[p2pu-dev] UI changes for 0.5 [ was Re: release 0.4]

Pippa Buchanan Pippa.Buchanan at gmail.com
Mon May 9 09:13:29 UTC 2011

It looks great João!  It's a much clearer way of displaying the study group
activities and resources.


On 8 May 2011 03:47, John Britton <public at johndbritton.com> wrote:

> I really like this, definitely want to continue in this direction.
> --
> contact info:
> http://www.johndbritton.com
> @johndbritton - http://twitter.com/johndbritton
> 2011/5/3 João Antonio de Menezes Neto <tonyhomes at gmail.com>
>> Please find attached the JPG of the new simulation.
>> Let´s open the proposals to discussion.
>> João
>> Em 3 de maio de 2011 16:30, João Antonio de Menezes Neto <
>> tonyhomes at gmail.com> escreveu:
>> I'm doing another simulation based on Pippa's suggestions, will send you
>>> guys by tonight (it's 4 pm here now (-: )
>>> 2011/5/3 Alison Jean Cole <alisonjean.cole at gmail.com>
>>>> Hey Pippa,
>>>> I'm really into this layout. As a learner, this makes more sense. When I
>>>> visit my study group, my primary activities would be to visit the task I am
>>>> working on and hit the resources I need. Then recent activity would be my
>>>> secondary interest.
>>>> new.p2pu.org/en/alison/ <http://p2pu.org/users/alison>
>>>> On Tue, May 3, 2011 at 4:54 AM, Jessy Kate Schingler <
>>>> jessy at jessykate.com> wrote:
>>>>> interesting! i like that idea.
>>>>> jessy
>>>>> --
>>>>> jessykate.com
>>>>> ** Please note my new email in your address books: jessy at jessykate.com
>>>>>  **
>>>>> 2011/5/3 João Antonio de Menezes Neto <tonyhomes at gmail.com>
>>>>>> Really liked your suggestion, Pippa.
>>>>>> 2011/5/3 Pippa Buchanan <Pippa.Buchanan at gmail.com>
>>>>>>> New Study Group Layout ? https://cacoo.com/diagrams/xZ6mQut2Ha6wYoO6
>>>>>>> Tasks, Links, Activity Wall should all have a full page version, but
>>>>>>> you'd be able to browse tasks and resources from the front page.
>>>>>>> Perhaps there could be icons for the tasks that you could choose from
>>>>>>> eg. "Read" "Discuss", "Meet", "Make", "Share" "Create" "Watch" etc?
>>>>>>> P*
>>>>>>> On 2 May 2011 22:14, Alison Jean Cole <alisonjean.cole at gmail.com>wrote:
>>>>>>>> I'd love to see tasks and key links have more emphasis and activity
>>>>>>>> streams less. I imagine there could be many stylistic ways to implement
>>>>>>>> this.
>>>>>>>> Any ideas?
>>>>>>>> Older layout: https://cacoo.com/diagrams/o37hflfZsbenu9c4 Perhaps
>>>>>>>> we can toy around with this.
>>>>>>>> ALISON
>>>>>>>> new.p2pu.org/en/alison/ <http://p2pu.org/users/alison>
>>>>>>>> 2011/5/2 João Antonio de Menezes Neto <tonyhomes at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>> Good point, Stian [?]
>>>>>>>>> 2011/5/2 Stian Håklev <shaklev at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>> Right now we are also using a lot of space, both for the links,
>>>>>>>>>> but especially for the activity streams - we could use a _LOT_ less space on
>>>>>>>>>> each activity stream, which I think would make things a lot more
>>>>>>>>>> manageable.
>>>>>>>>>> Stian
>>>>>>>>>> 2011/5/2 João Antonio de Menezes Neto <tonyhomes at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>>> we need improvements to External Links (take a look at
>>>>>>>>>>> http://new.p2pu.org/en/groups/baroque-art-of-italy-spain-and-the-netherlands/)
>>>>>>>>>>> Maybe we could collapse them by 10 most visited or something.
>>>>>>>>>>> Em 2 de maio de 2011 08:13, João Antonio de Menezes Neto <
>>>>>>>>>>> tonyhomes at gmail.com> escreveu:
>>>>>>>>>>> Agreed [?]
>>>>>>>>>>>> 2011/5/2 John Britton <public at johndbritton.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I've got no real opinion on where the "BETA" text ends up, put
>>>>>>>>>>>>> it where it looks good.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I agree that the footer should go back to what the original
>>>>>>>>>>>>> mockups from BCN included (maybe we haven't gotten there yet).
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Also agree that a logged in user should be able to go back to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the home page, I was confused by this a few days ago.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I like the idea of collapsing user - inbox - logout. See Gmail
>>>>>>>>>>>>> and Twitter for examples.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lastly the dropdowns should respect hover. Do note that right
>>>>>>>>>>>>> now you can open both at the same time which is really strange.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>> contact info:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://www.johndbritton.com
>>>>>>>>>>>>> @johndbritton - http://twitter.com/johndbritton
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2011/5/1 João Antonio de Menezes Neto <tonyhomes at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> now some considerations about the site when the user is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> already logged-in:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - there's no way to get back to the start page that says
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "we're an open...". there's the global updates for the whole p2pu there,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which is an interesting view even for who's already logged in (sorry if
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> there is already a manner to get back to that page, but I don't know how to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> access it)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - i wonder if we could make "User - Inbox - Logout" 1 single
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> menu? There could be a small iphone-ish badge in the user's photo or next to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> his/her name + an envelope icon to show he's got new messages. "Logout"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> would be the last item listed in the dropdown.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - we really should implement hover instead of just clicking
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for dropdowns as well as the arrow i told you about
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - another branding opportunity would be to place a small
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> icon/badge or change the text color of the buttons that say which study
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> group the message has been posted on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - a quick visual tweak: the "Follow" and "Private message"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> buttons are using different fonts from each other
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - there's no title on the area on which each persons posts
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> his/her external links. the margin between the links could be smaller to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> give impression they are a list and just not free chunks of text.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - setting a standart size to study groups avatars is really a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> necessity
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> guess thats all for now ;)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Em 1 de maio de 2011 18:00, João Antonio de Menezes Neto <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tonyhomes at gmail.com> escreveu:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> just a quick clarifying question, Philipp posted "Make
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> breadcrum sub-header of the group title" but the ideal
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> scenario would be "Make breadcrumb a navigation menu for the study group
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> areas - Update's Wall, Tasks, etc).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [?]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Em 1 de maio de 2011 17:57, João Antonio de Menezes Neto <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tonyhomes at gmail.com> escreveu:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the great advantage of having the footer as the original psd
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as it works as an index/table of contents of the whole site, allowing global
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> navigation without the need of opening dropdown menus.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> i agree with jessica that the gray area Aleks had drawn
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> served as a good protection area for the brand and it also allowed a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> delimited space to play with schools logos/icons/badges. i remember that the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gray area wasn't near enough of the heading div, it was originally planned
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to have 0px of margin between them
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2011/5/1 Philipp Schmidt <phi.schmidt at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 1 May 2011 16:16, Jessica Ledbetter <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> jessica at jessicaledbetter.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > Zuzel made a task with his suggestions. I'm guessing we
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> just need approval
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > from you, Philipp?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> All suggestions will increase usability, and there hasn't
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> been any
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dissent on this list. Let's go ahead and implement them.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://p2pu.lighthouseapp.com/projects/71002/tickets/253-joao-suggestions#ticket-253-1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I've added Joao's mock-up.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > And whatever other changes we need UI-wise and we'll get
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it in there.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > I'm still hoping for a new logo or the grey to come back
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ;)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A designer friend will send us some suggestions. For now,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> we should
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> clean up as much as possible (Joao mentioned cleaning out
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the grey
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from the heads of the letters P) and make a tiny bit
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> smaller so it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> doesn't touch against the borders.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > I put in BETA lower right of the logo because that seems
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pretty popular and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > worked, in my opinion, with the grey angles. Doesn't
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> really use up too much
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > real estate though but seems off balance without the grey
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> background. We can
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > definitely play with placement/size especially if we are
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> looking at school
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > branding.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In general, I think the BETA is great where it is. I am
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> suggesting to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> move it to top right, so we get a little more space to move
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> up the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rest of the page. If it looks funny, let's not do it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > I also would like to see the footer become more like the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> original PSD
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > design. I think we're at a point (or very close to it)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with the different
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > content parts we needed for it (like about, help, etc).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > I can delete the grey out of the P2PU logo if we don't
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have the new one
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > before 0.5 goes live.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks! Fingers crossed still ...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> P
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