[p2pu-dev] UI changes for 0.5 [ was Re: release 0.4]

Pippa Buchanan Pippa.Buchanan at gmail.com
Tue May 3 10:08:18 UTC 2011

New Study Group Layout ? https://cacoo.com/diagrams/xZ6mQut2Ha6wYoO6

Tasks, Links, Activity Wall should all have a full page version, but you'd
be able to browse tasks and resources from the front page.

Perhaps there could be icons for the tasks that you could choose from eg.
"Read" "Discuss", "Meet", "Make", "Share" "Create" "Watch" etc?


On 2 May 2011 22:14, Alison Jean Cole <alisonjean.cole at gmail.com> wrote:

> I'd love to see tasks and key links have more emphasis and activity streams
> less. I imagine there could be many stylistic ways to implement this.
> Any ideas?
> Older layout: https://cacoo.com/diagrams/o37hflfZsbenu9c4 Perhaps we can
> toy around with this.
> new.p2pu.org/en/alison/ <http://p2pu.org/users/alison>
> 2011/5/2 João Antonio de Menezes Neto <tonyhomes at gmail.com>
>> Good point, Stian [?]
>> 2011/5/2 Stian Håklev <shaklev at gmail.com>
>>> Right now we are also using a lot of space, both for the links, but
>>> especially for the activity streams - we could use a _LOT_ less space on
>>> each activity stream, which I think would make things a lot more
>>> manageable.
>>> Stian
>>> 2011/5/2 João Antonio de Menezes Neto <tonyhomes at gmail.com>
>>>> we need improvements to External Links (take a look at
>>>> http://new.p2pu.org/en/groups/baroque-art-of-italy-spain-and-the-netherlands/)
>>>> Maybe we could collapse them by 10 most visited or something.
>>>> Em 2 de maio de 2011 08:13, João Antonio de Menezes Neto <
>>>> tonyhomes at gmail.com> escreveu:
>>>> Agreed [?]
>>>>> 2011/5/2 John Britton <public at johndbritton.com>
>>>>>> I've got no real opinion on where the "BETA" text ends up, put it
>>>>>> where it looks good.
>>>>>> I agree that the footer should go back to what the original mockups
>>>>>> from BCN included (maybe we haven't gotten there yet).
>>>>>> Also agree that a logged in user should be able to go back to the home
>>>>>> page, I was confused by this a few days ago.
>>>>>> I like the idea of collapsing user - inbox - logout. See Gmail and
>>>>>> Twitter for examples.
>>>>>> Lastly the dropdowns should respect hover. Do note that right now you
>>>>>> can open both at the same time which is really strange.
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> contact info:
>>>>>> http://www.johndbritton.com
>>>>>> @johndbritton - http://twitter.com/johndbritton
>>>>>> 2011/5/1 João Antonio de Menezes Neto <tonyhomes at gmail.com>
>>>>>>> now some considerations about the site when the user is already
>>>>>>> logged-in:
>>>>>>> - there's no way to get back to the start page that says "we're an
>>>>>>> open...". there's the global updates for the whole p2pu there, which is an
>>>>>>> interesting view even for who's already logged in (sorry if there is already
>>>>>>> a manner to get back to that page, but I don't know how to access it)
>>>>>>> - i wonder if we could make "User - Inbox - Logout" 1 single menu?
>>>>>>> There could be a small iphone-ish badge in the user's photo or next to
>>>>>>> his/her name + an envelope icon to show he's got new messages. "Logout"
>>>>>>> would be the last item listed in the dropdown.
>>>>>>> - we really should implement hover instead of just clicking for
>>>>>>> dropdowns as well as the arrow i told you about
>>>>>>> - another branding opportunity would be to place a small icon/badge
>>>>>>> or change the text color of the buttons that say which study group the
>>>>>>> message has been posted on
>>>>>>> - a quick visual tweak: the "Follow" and "Private message" buttons
>>>>>>> are using different fonts from each other
>>>>>>> - there's no title on the area on which each persons posts his/her
>>>>>>> external links. the margin between the links could be smaller to give
>>>>>>> impression they are a list and just not free chunks of text.
>>>>>>> - setting a standart size to study groups avatars is really a
>>>>>>> necessity
>>>>>>> guess thats all for now ;)
>>>>>>> Em 1 de maio de 2011 18:00, João Antonio de Menezes Neto <
>>>>>>> tonyhomes at gmail.com> escreveu:
>>>>>>> just a quick clarifying question, Philipp posted "Make breadcrum
>>>>>>>> sub-header of the group title" but the ideal scenario would be
>>>>>>>> "Make breadcrumb a navigation menu for the study group areas - Update's
>>>>>>>> Wall, Tasks, etc).
>>>>>>>> [?]
>>>>>>>> Em 1 de maio de 2011 17:57, João Antonio de Menezes Neto <
>>>>>>>> tonyhomes at gmail.com> escreveu:
>>>>>>>> the great advantage of having the footer as the original psd as it
>>>>>>>>> works as an index/table of contents of the whole site, allowing global
>>>>>>>>> navigation without the need of opening dropdown menus.
>>>>>>>>> i agree with jessica that the gray area Aleks had drawn served as a
>>>>>>>>> good protection area for the brand and it also allowed a delimited space to
>>>>>>>>> play with schools logos/icons/badges. i remember that the gray area wasn't
>>>>>>>>> near enough of the heading div, it was originally planned to have 0px of
>>>>>>>>> margin between them
>>>>>>>>> (:
>>>>>>>>> 2011/5/1 Philipp Schmidt <phi.schmidt at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>> On 1 May 2011 16:16, Jessica Ledbetter <
>>>>>>>>>> jessica at jessicaledbetter.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> > Zuzel made a task with his suggestions. I'm guessing we just
>>>>>>>>>> need approval
>>>>>>>>>> > from you, Philipp?
>>>>>>>>>> All suggestions will increase usability, and there hasn't been any
>>>>>>>>>> dissent on this list. Let's go ahead and implement them.
>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>> http://p2pu.lighthouseapp.com/projects/71002/tickets/253-joao-suggestions#ticket-253-1
>>>>>>>>>> I've added Joao's mock-up.
>>>>>>>>>> > And whatever other changes we need UI-wise and we'll get it in
>>>>>>>>>> there.
>>>>>>>>>> > I'm still hoping for a new logo or the grey to come back ;)
>>>>>>>>>> A designer friend will send us some suggestions. For now, we
>>>>>>>>>> should
>>>>>>>>>> clean up as much as possible (Joao mentioned cleaning out the grey
>>>>>>>>>> from the heads of the letters P) and make a tiny bit smaller so it
>>>>>>>>>> doesn't touch against the borders.
>>>>>>>>>> > I put in BETA lower right of the logo because that seems pretty
>>>>>>>>>> popular and
>>>>>>>>>> > worked, in my opinion, with the grey angles. Doesn't really use
>>>>>>>>>> up too much
>>>>>>>>>> > real estate though but seems off balance without the grey
>>>>>>>>>> background. We can
>>>>>>>>>> > definitely play with placement/size especially if we are looking
>>>>>>>>>> at school
>>>>>>>>>> > branding.
>>>>>>>>>> In general, I think the BETA is great where it is. I am suggesting
>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>> move it to top right, so we get a little more space to move up the
>>>>>>>>>> rest of the page. If it looks funny, let's not do it.
>>>>>>>>>> > I also would like to see the footer become more like the
>>>>>>>>>> original PSD
>>>>>>>>>> > design. I think we're at a point (or very close to it) with the
>>>>>>>>>> different
>>>>>>>>>> > content parts we needed for it (like about, help, etc).
>>>>>>>>>> > I can delete the grey out of the P2PU logo if we don't have the
>>>>>>>>>> new one
>>>>>>>>>> > before 0.5 goes live.
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks! Fingers crossed still ...
>>>>>>>>>> P
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