[p2pu-dev] SF meetup

Stian Håklev shaklev at gmail.com
Wed Mar 23 16:30:52 UTC 2011

Cool, I put in some comments in the Etherpad.

BTW, I've attached a screenshot from the Chinese Twitter-clone Sina Weibo
(it actually has much more functionality than Twitter right now, it's huge).
When you log in, they do this little pop up window in the top right listing
what's happened (in my case, a few new followers, a few new private
messages, a few people mentioning me, etc). I am not saying we should do
exactly that, but I really like this notice when I log in. A discussion
board we use at our school does something similar - when you log in it tells
you who replied to your messages, etc. And when you click the link, you go
to those replies.


On Wed, Mar 23, 2011 at 00:15, zuzel.vp <zuzel.vp at gmail.com> wrote:

> Today, there was an nice discussion about the new site design at San
> Francisco.
> * Writing on http://pad.p2pu.org/wireframes
> * Editing wireframes on
> http://p2pu.lighthouseapp.com/projects/71002/tickets/41-prepare-wireframes#ticket-41-4
> while i was spying through skype :D
> It will continue tomorrow.
> --
> Thanks,
>    Zuzel
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