[p2pu-dev] Lernanta architecture

Joe Corneli holtzermann17 at gmail.com
Sun Mar 13 23:49:31 UTC 2011


I roughly agree but I also want to note that the ideas here seem "tool
centered" and I think this point should be made clear: data needs
theory or at least semantics, or it's not likely to be useful.   E.g.,
how much someone typed in Etherpad doesn't correspond to how much
value they contributed to the conversation (maybe their keyboard is
stuck and is typing "a" repeatedly).  On the other hand, I myself have
some dreams about how Etherpad could be pushed much further, as part
of a social annotation suite (Gravpad).  Data is good, but a concerted
development effort would likely be needed to make something
significantly "better".

Similarly, regarding BBB, note that considerable analytic effort has
been put forth in the related FlashMeeting project (which is based at
my institute), see http://flashmeeting.open.ac.uk/research/index.html,
http://flashmeeting.open.ac.uk/research/shapes.html.  I'm all for
gathering data from BBB, but again, advancing the state of the art for
research or for collaboration is going to be a huge task.  Data might
be *one* first step, but I think ideally the analysis programme would
develop roughly in parallel with the data gathering effort.  I.e. what
are the research questions here?


On Sun, Mar 13, 2011 at 3:45 AM, Stian Håklev <shaklev at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi guys, I just posted some ideas about the lernanta architecture that I've
> been thinking about for quite a while,
> here: https://github.com/p2pu/lernanta/wiki/Stian's-ideas-about-lernanta-functionality
> The main thrust is extendibility - because we have to recognize that we
> simply do not know what an effective learning environment looks like. (We
> know a little bit more today than a year and a half ago, but we're still in
> the very beginning). And of course, different course organizers will need
> different tools. It should be very clean, easy to manage, and provide the
> basic tools well documented - but it should also be easy to experiment with
> adding new ways of interacting.
> And interaction with external services is really key - both for the
> experience of taking the course, and getting data on learner interaction, so
> that we can do research on learning at P2PU.
> I believe these two aspects will make the P2PU platform very compelling for
> course organizers, students and researchers.
> Looking forward to discuss these ideas further.
> Stian
> --
> http://reganmian.net/blog -- Random Stuff that Matters
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