[p2pu-dev] activity around p2pu

Dan Diebolt dandiebolt at gmail.com
Sat Mar 12 22:43:56 UTC 2011

You can aggregate any data on the web not excluded by robot file using Yahoo
Query Language to proxy the request and return data via JSONP for client
side manipulation.

For the feed:


Here is the YQL console:


Which can now be embedded in a course page via an <iframe> constructed with
jsFiddle using the jQuery template plugin:


The above page shows both the embedded fiddle with access to the results,
html, css and javascript panels as well as a second embed of the unbranded
"final cut" fiddle which removes all branding and in fact could be hosted
from any site - even p2pu!

On Sat, Mar 12, 2011 at 1:00 PM, Joe Corneli <holtzermann17 at gmail.com>wrote:

> http://metameso.org/~joe/p2pu.html
> Hi all: I made a web page that aggregates the various RSS feeds that
> are relevant to P2PU in little widget-like boxes.  There are a few
> items (Atrium and MailMan) that *can* produce RSS feeds, but that need
> to be tweaked to do so, and I've indicated these.
> I expect that Lernanta will provide various new/improved ways to
> aggregate activity (e.g. by popularity instead of just by recency) but
> this seemed like a reasonable prototype for the moment.  If anyone
> wants to take the idea to the next level, feel free, I'd love that.
> Joe
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