[p2pu-dev] About badge

Erin Knight erin.knight21 at gmail.com
Fri Jun 10 14:42:21 UTC 2011

Hey Vladimir -

Thanks for the email, I have a couple of questions.

First, we need to make sure the log in problem is resolved. I have had
several other people report that this is an issue. *Zuzel - can you check
this out?*

Second, which badge is this? If it is not one of the existing
I will need to create it and will need the following info from you:

Badge title
Badge description
Assessment Criteria (what was needed to get the badge)

The way the badge system works is that each of these users will need to post
an answer to your badge challenge question and then I will give you
permissions to vote on those answers (1 yes vote = badge). I can't speak
spanish so I can't translate the question really well but if there is no
real answer for them to submit, you can have them write a very short
narrative on what they did in the course or that they earned 50 points, etc.
This part is important since their post becomes the evidence behind the
badge. Does that make sense?


On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 3:07 PM, Vladimir Támara Patiño <
vtamara at pasosdejesus.org> wrote:

> Regarding the question for a badge that I published recently in
> badges.p2pu.org :
> http://badges.p2pu.org/questions/186/mas-del-50-de-puntos-esperados-en-el-curso-interprete-de-comandos-y-unix
> Just 4 people of the course
> http://www.p2pu.org/general/document/syllabus-interprete-de-ordenes-y-unix-general
> are elegible:
> * tuxman http://www.p2pu.org/general/users/tuxman
> * alfie604 http://www.p2pu.org/general/users/alfie604
> * carlosmzg  http://www.p2pu.org/general/users/carlosmzg
> * hector915 http://www.p2pu.org/general/users/hector915
> (they are receiving b.copy of this email)
> At least hector915 reported me that he couldn't login to
> badges.p2pu.org  I want to ask if it is possible for an admin of
> badges.p2pu.org to give that badge to them, or if you can authorize
> me to give it.
> Best regards
> --
> Dios, gracias por tu amor infinito.
> --
>  Vladimir Támara Patiño.
>  http://vtamara.pasosdeJesus.org/
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