[p2pu-dev] Should we be recommending Profile tags as the main way to suggest course ideas?

Zuzel VP zuzel at p2pu.org
Wed Jul 20 18:14:15 UTC 2011


Potential organizer has a set of skill tags on their profile, clicks
on a tag to go to a page in which it is possible to see users who used
that tag for things they want to learn (potential participants), users
who used that tag for skills (potential co-organizers), interests
(potential followers), other study groups tagged with the same tag
(potential groups he can join as co-organizer, or clone as starting

Potential participant has a set of "what to learn about" tags on their
profile, clicks on a tag to go to a page in which it is possible to
see users who used that tag for study groups (potential study groups
he can join), other uses who also used the tag for the "want to learn
about" section of their profile (potential peers), other users who
used the tag for skills (potential mentors) or interests (potential
people to follow).


On Thu, Jul 14, 2011 at 11:47 AM, Wesley Pennock
<wesleymarkpennock at gmail.com> wrote:
> Yes Pippa we should. We could have school organizers look through all the
> users "want to learn more section" and using that decide what should taught
> next. And maybe create a graph of some sort out of this data. These are just
> some preliminary thoughts though. Also about the user notification of
> courses that match their tag, this is a brilliant idea and should be
> implemented immediately.
> On Thu, Jul 14, 2011 at 6:29 AM, Pippa Buchanan <Pippa.Buchanan at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> I'm reviewing the SoW FAQ information.
>> One section I'd like to make sure we get right is "I'd like to suggest a
>> course idea, but not necessarily organise it myself. Can I do that?"
>> We're currently recommending Uservoice as the way to suggest a course
>> idea. The problem is that potential P2PU users end up creating a Uservoice
>> account instead of a P2PU account.
>> As we've now started to use tags, should I start recommending to users
>> that they create a profile and add relevant tags to the "Want to learn more
>> about" section?
>> How do we imagine that this  will end up being used? Will users with tags
>> get notified when courses with matching tags are created?
>> P*
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> --
> Sincerely,
> Wesley Pennock
> Check Out The Techie School
> http://techieschool.blogspot.com/
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