[p2pu-dev] Should we be recommending Profile tags as the main way to suggest course ideas?

Jessy Kate Schingler jessy at jessykate.com
Thu Jul 14 18:32:36 UTC 2011

when i do the next round of work on the metrics script, maybe i could have
it scrape that field and do an auto-count of terms used.


On Thu, Jul 14, 2011 at 1:57 PM, Wesley Pennock <wesleymarkpennock at gmail.com
> wrote:

> Agreed maybe make similar tag connections? Not entirely sure how that would
> work but I have high hopes it can be done. Jessica what is a metric by the
> way?
> On Thu, Jul 14, 2011 at 12:17 PM, Jessica Ledbetter <
> jessica at jessicaledbetter.com> wrote:
>> User tags aren't perfect and I'm hoping to tweak it a little. I have a
>> long list in my head and some on the commit note too.
>> Yes, we're hoping that we can easily see who all wants X as a topic. It's
>> not perfect though and I'm thinking of ways to make it better. For example,
>> if one person puts "Javascript" but I want to see everyone wanting to learn
>> "jQuery" maybe those Javascript people would be interested in it. Could just
>> be as simple as "Find all people tagged with these terms: javascript jquery
>> prototype node." Also, typos count so those looking for "Javscript" won't
>> find "Javascript." I could do a "like" for suggestions and something like
>> "did you mean?"
>> Yes, I'm also hoping for metrics. I love metrics and will help how I can.
>> Yes, I want to be able to subscribe to a tag and get notified when a
>> course [1] is created with such.
>> Courses will have organizer supplied tags in the next release and some of
>> that code is already committed (though not in production).
>> Some of this code is me scratching my own itch but that's one of the
>> awesome things about open source ;) Patches/pull requests welcome!
>> [1] Course, study group, workshop, etc. :)
>> ~Jessica
>> Volunteer Developer
>> Lernanta/P2PU
>> On Thu, Jul 14, 2011 at 11:47 AM, Wesley Pennock <
>> wesleymarkpennock at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Yes Pippa we should. We could have school organizers look through all the
>>> users "want to learn more section" and using that decide what should taught
>>> next. And maybe create a graph of some sort out of this data. These are just
>>> some preliminary thoughts though. Also about the user notification of
>>> courses that match their tag, this is a brilliant idea and should be
>>> implemented immediately.
>>> On Thu, Jul 14, 2011 at 6:29 AM, Pippa Buchanan <
>>> Pippa.Buchanan at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> I'm reviewing the SoW FAQ information.
>>>> One section I'd like to make sure we get right is "*I'd like to suggest
>>>> a course idea, but not necessarily organise it myself. Can I do that?"*
>>>> We're currently recommending Uservoice as the way to suggest a course
>>>> idea. The problem is that potential P2PU users end up creating a Uservoice
>>>> account instead of a P2PU account.
>>>> As we've now started to use tags, should I start recommending to users
>>>> that they create a profile and add relevant tags to the "Want to learn more
>>>> about" section?
>>>> How do we imagine that this  will end up being used? Will users with
>>>> tags get notified when courses with matching tags are created?
>>>> P*
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>>> --
>>> Sincerely,
>>> Wesley Pennock
>>> Check Out The Techie School
>>> http://techieschool.blogspot.com/
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>> --
>> Jessica Ledbetter
>> http://jessicaledbetter.com
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> --
> Sincerely,
> Wesley Pennock
> Check Out The Techie School
> http://techieschool.blogspot.com/
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