[p2pu-dev] Ordering of groups - those without images come last?

Stian Håklev shaklev at gmail.com
Mon Jul 11 15:38:09 UTC 2011

Makes total sense to me. Would even make sense to have a "percentage
complete thing" show up on the course page to encourage people to fill out
more, and list those which are more complete first... My friend was a bit
disappointed when she clicked on a "featured course" on the frontpage, and
came to a course that didn't have a long description at all, and no tasks.


On Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 23:22, Pippa Buchanan <Pippa.Buchanan at gmail.com>wrote:

> Could we set the image requirement up as a % complete type element of the
> course description?
> I wonder if when switching out of Dev Status we prompt users to read
> through a version of the original course checklist<http://wiki.p2pu.org/w/page/33413165/course-checklist>that;s on the wiki.
> "Are you ready to make your group public? Here's a last minute checklist:
>    - The project has a clear title.
>    - The project has a picture that identifies it within the P2PU site.
>    - The project has a clear short description.
>    - The project summary is concise.
>    - You've created some basic tasks to get participants started.
>    - You have some learning resources for participants to work through.
> Yes, I've done all these things and am happy to make my group public
> I'd like help finalising my group. > link to helpdesk / hand book
> Continue. I have faith my partially completed course will survive despite
> my slapdash approach"
> Or something like this with slightly less sarcastic wording on the last
> item. :-)
> P*
> On 11 July 2011 16:30, Jessica Ledbetter <jessica at jessicaledbetter.com>wrote:
>> I didn't notice that but you're right. On a side note, should we require
>> an image before allowing it to leave dev status?
>> On Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 10:18 AM, Philipp Schmidt <philipp at p2pu.org>wrote:
>>> On 11 July 2011 10:04, Pippa Buchanan <Pippa.Buchanan at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> I wanted to get other people's input before I add this as a request to
>>>> Lighthouse.
>>>> Is it reasonable for us to list groups so that those without images come
>>>> last? I'd like to see this ordering on the SoW pages (and elsewhere) as a
>>>> way of identifying which groups are more complete than others.
>>> Good idea!
>>>> In general, groups which haven't got an image are less well populated
>>>> with tasks and useful information than those where someone's taken the time
>>>> to find an image. I don't think that this a hard and fast measure but it
>>>> does provide a simple way of sorting groups (and making course listings look
>>>> more robust).
>>>> P*
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>> Jessica Ledbetter
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