[p2pu-dev] add new googl+1 button to the site

Philipp Schmidt philipp at p2pu.org
Wed Jul 6 21:02:47 UTC 2011

As incoming product manager, it's John's call.

Good discussion - model for figuring out these things in future.


On Wednesday, 6 July 2011, Jessica Ledbetter
<jessica at jessicaledbetter.com> wrote:
> I understand where John is coming from totally, though I think the usual behavior is to +1 a content page and not a site from a content page. (I'm thinking of blogs, news sites, etc. vs a restaurant.) I think that if pages are +1 they do show up in friends' google search so giving it, in a way, more weight.
> When I search, I search for specific terms not general education sites usually though. So, in a way, putting +1 on the course pages could drive people more effectively. We could put a line at top that sums up what we are. We also have about below though that's a lot of scrolling sometimes. Plus when not logged in, visitors see "participate" and it takes them to a sign up page. We could add a little marketing there too.
> I agree about users. That was quite silly of me :) I blame the California sunshine ;) I can submit a new pull request depending on the final decision on what/if we +1.
> On Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 12:08 PM, John Britton <public at johndbritton.com> wrote:
> There are other sites that work that way, it really depends on where you want to drive traffic. I would prefer to drive traffic to a clear landing page with the sharing buttons which makes me think that the non-logged-in view of course pages should include some messaging about what P2PU is and how to join.
> --
> contact info:
> http://www.johndbritton.com
> @johndbritton - http://twitter.com/johndbritton
> On Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 3:02 PM, Philipp Schmidt <philipp at p2pu.org> wrote:
> On 1 July 2011 19:48, James Tatum <jtatum at gmail.com> wrote:
> Does any other site work that way? The documentation for users says
> that you're +1ing content, not sites.
> +1 for a course makes immediate sense to me. Users or site seem a little less obvious.
> Can we just start with courses?
> P
> There is an href tag you can add to the button, but I guess I don't
> understand what the impact you're looking for is. Is there a benefit
> to having a high number, or is this about sharing things with your
> friends?
> Maybe a more fundamental question, is P2PU about the platform or the content?
> On Fri, Jul 1, 2011 at 12:37 PM, John Britton <public at johndbritton.com> wrote:
>> I would think about adding +1/Like to all pages in the same spot, but have
>> the url attribute for those buttons all point to p2pu.org, that way we're
>> maximizing the sharing of the main site.
>> Later we could add sharing features for individual courses.
>> --
>> contact info:
>> http://www.johndbritton.com
>> @johndbritton - http://twitter.com/johndbritton
>> On Fri, Jul 1, 2011 at 3:34 PM, Jessica Ledbetter
>> <jessica at jessicaledbetter.com> wrote:
>>> I was thinking of sharing a certain course on my stream as a use case but
>>> can see sharing the whole site for sure. Right now, you can do a +1 on
>>> p2pu.org when searching via google. I guess to make the url +1'able, we'd
>>> put it on the homepage. Not sure where for that. Footer? If so, we'd
>>> probably want to think on that a bit longer on how to think ahead to all the
>>> share type buttons so it doesn't become a circus down there.
>>> I'm used to seeing share buttons on things like blog posts and news
>>> articles not whole sites. I'm there are some though :)
>>> On Fri, Jul 1, 2011 at 12:26 PM, John Britton <public at johndbritton.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> I would prefer to try adding like/+1 buttons for P2PU itself at first, as
>>>> opposed to every individual thing on the site. I think we'll get the most
>>>> benefit that way.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> John
>>>> --
>>>> contact info:
>>>> http://www.johndbritton.com
>>>> @johndbritton - http://twitter.com/johndbritton
>>>> On Fri, Jul 1, 2011 at 3:14 PM, Jessica Ledbetter
>>>> <

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