[p2pu-dev] Need Google Summer of Code Mentors

John Britton public at johndbritton.com
Mon Feb 28 20:17:54 UTC 2011

Hey Dev Team,

I'm working on the P2PU application to Google Summer of code and I need a
list of people that are willing to serve as mentors for the selected
students. I'm willing to take the role of organization admin, overseeing all
of the GSoC stuff and also willing to mentor if needed.

We need a backup organization admin (to help me and to take over if I get
hit by a bus). We also need a list of people willing to mentor students.

I'm hoping for at at least four mentors, hopefully six and to have two
mentors per student. The job of a mentor is to help remove all barriers to
success in completing the GSoC project.

Please reply to this email if you are willing to mentor. This is a
significant time commitment over the summer.

John Britton
contact info:
@johndbritton - http://twitter.com/johndbritton
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