[p2pu-dev] Fwd: [Website Error] Account bug?

Rebecca Kahn bekka.kahn at gmail.com
Fri Feb 4 14:52:21 UTC 2011

Can anyone help Mike out - in a bizarre reversal of P2PU ways of doing
things, he's been given an actual degree (that isn't his...)


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <mkascel at gmail.com>
Date: 4 February 2011 08:08
Subject: [Website Error] Account bug?
To: admin at p2pu.org

   Mike Kascel sent a message using the contact form at

I think some of the profile data from someone else is associated with my
account; I have this at the top of my profile, which I didn't write:

"ICT based education practitioner.E-learning consultant and also computer
science Msc "

Any ideas?


Rebecca Kahn
Skype: rebekahn
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