[p2pu-dev] Notes from Community Call - 29th December 2011

Rebecca Kahn bekka at p2pu.org
Thu Dec 29 22:45:46 UTC 2011

Hi everyone

Hope you're all having a good holiday period, and are gearing up for all
sorts of great new learning in 2012.

Thanks to everyone who made the call today, it was short and sweet. Here
are the notes, and as always, the full notes, old notes and chat transcript
can be found on the etherpad: http://pad.p2pu.org/community2

Also, check out Philipp's 2011 in Review blog post: (
http://blogs.p2pu.org/blog/2011/12/29/the-p2pu-review-of-2011/) it's a

*December 29th*

   - Attendees

   - Alison

   - Bekka

   - Philipp

   - Brylie

   - Zuzel

   - Standups

   - Alison

   - testing out trello for new courses:

   - testing this to see if it might be a good way to track courses that
   have been created

   - translating DIY U into challenges (working with two others)

   - Bekka

   - finished recon, invoicing for workshop (applaus!)

   - talking to non-profit suite accountants

   - waiting for bank details in order to pay them

   - planning newsletter

   - general admin

   - John

   - Talking about dev position, a few more applications have come in

   - might hire a student intern developer

   - Nobody in the community followed up on the potential designer
   position, but we have 1 application and will be ready to move on that soon.

   - Philipp

   - end of year blog post - will go up this week

   - open fiction project proposal (in conjuction with Steve Carson at MIT)

   - Find a person to become the co-ordinator, with the objective of
   building a community

   - Plan is to keep this is a very small project

   - article on open education framework

   - Overall look at the open ed space.

   - Zuzel

   - challenge sets http://alpha.p2pu.org/en/schools/school-of-webcraft/ -
   this is a new feature

   - task inline badge submissions
   http://alpha.p2pu.org/en/groups/test-webmaking-101-4/content/task3/ -
   this is a new feature

   - Can we inline challenges into standard course tasks?

   - Can we integrate the 'good feedback' badge into task discussion posts?

   - Similarly, the "publishing" badge would be helpful to affirm
   participants' efforts in courses. This badge exists.

   - Zuzel ->

   - Sections displaying info about badges inside the challenges needs to
   be extended to be available for courses

   - We need to decide how the association of badges/courses will happen at
   a bigger scale:

   - have some badges that are associated to all courses by default

   - implement the UI for courses to choose a subset of the available badges

   - In the case of the Publishing Badge it is a badge awarded for being
   able to install an FTP or SFTP client, upload content that is visible live
   in a browser.

   - Another name, description and image will be needed for badges to
   affirm participants efforts in courses

   - Could also need another awarding mechanism (not necessarily)

   - Chloe will be the person to talk about this changes

   - full details for new set of metrics to track --

   - OBI (Open Badges Infrastructure) integration on hold (the issuer api
   will be changing on january)

   - New Courses

   - *nothing READY this week*


   - Part of ongoing creations for Jan 10 event in Panama -->

   - A group of developers in Panama City want a bunch of challenges for
   their event - they haven't noted this on the challenges, but Ali is bugging
   them about it.

   - http://p2pu.org/es/groups/bosquejar-una-pagina-web/

   - Prepárate para construir una página dinámica:

   - Aprendiendo HTML: http://p2pu.org/es/groups/aprendiendo-html/

   - Elaborar la Metáfora Visual de un Sitio Web:

   - MAYBE:

   - LLB Study Group: http://p2pu.org/en/groups/llb-study-group/

   - Showcase items

   - webcraft year end post???

   - Philipp year end post

   - NaNoWriMo reflections: http://p2pu.org/en/groups/nanowrimo-2012/

   - Ali working with this group (some participants wrote a novel!) to get
   a follow-up article

   - Some of the novels are really funny - all members should check them

   - Links to some of the top ones would be great (with a short

   - Other Agenda Items

   - P2PU Design Brandbook

   - Aleks (John's friend and designer) put together a brandbook

   - Currently being updated with last changes

   - John will properly present in one of the next calls

   - Proposed Hub DC / P2PU Collaboration?

   - Being driven by Alan Webb, general idea is to work with the Hub (a
   collection of co-working space) who want to try and run courses on and

   - Toronto meeting not happening

   - Trying to find a good time to meet, nothing decided yet.

   - Email to community about last weeks discussion on challenges (getting
   rid of study group/course)?

   - Very important and will definitely hit community list (and this call

   - JB has been sick
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