[p2pu-dev] Fwd: sign-up

zuzel.vp zuzel.vp at gmail.com
Mon Aug 29 15:50:32 UTC 2011

On Mon, Aug 29, 2011 at 11:29 AM, Philipp Schmidt <philipp at p2pu.org> wrote:
> John might have some more detailed feedback from the UX people working on
> SoW.
> I understand that the "Moderated signup" link has two purposes, both of
> which makes sense. But right now - it just confuses users. Could we either
> just hide the entire row "Signup .... Moderated signup" for now?
> (1) Allow users to see what questions they have to answer in order to
> sign-up
> - Users will see the questions when they hit Participate
> (2) Allow organizers and participants to see who else is part of the course
> and how they replied to the sign-up questions
> - Under the people images, add a link that says "More detail on
> participants" and point to the sign-up page

Another link on the people section can colide with the current "See
All" link that is there. Will it work having a link similar to the See
Full Description (and bellow it) that says "See Signup Page" or
something similar? The Closed/Non-morerated/Moderated row does not
need to be a link. On a similar mater, we could choose a different
vocabulary to let participants now about:

* If the group is not open for signup: closed.
* If the group is accepting everyone: non-moderated signup.
* If the group is selecting who becomes a participant: moderated signup.

If the row about signup status dissapears fromt the sidebar that
information will be completly hidden.


> P
> On 28 August 2011 21:15, zuzel.vp <zuzel.vp at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Forwarding to the dev list for feedback.
>> Currently we have two links or ways to reach the answer signup form:
>> * The Participate button on the sidebar.
>> * The post answer button on the signup page
>> and one link to the signup-page:
>> * The closed/non-moderated/moderated signup link on the sidebar.
>> We still receive feedback regarding issues finding this pages, so
>> ideas/comments are welcome. See bellow initial ideas from Karen.
>> --
>> Thanks,
>>    Zuzel
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: Karen Fasimpaur <karen at k12opened.com>
>> Date: Sun, Aug 28, 2011 at 5:33 PM
>> Subject: sign-up
>> To: "zuzel.vp" <zuzel.vp at gmail.com>, Alison Jean Cole
>> <alisonjean.cole at gmail.com>
>> Once a course is open for sign-up, could clicking the "moderated
>> sign-up" link take you the actual sign-up (the same as clicking
>> Participate button)?
>> Or if it's easier, could the text in the moderated sign-up screen say,
>> "Please answer the following set(s) of questions by clicking the
>> Participate button if you want to become a participant"
>> A few people have had problems knowing how to sign-up as it is
>> currently. (I missed the Participate button myself the first time
>> through.)
>> Thanks.
>> karen
>> --
>> K12 Open Ed
>> www.k12opened.com/blog
>> * Learn about the Kids Open Dictionary at http://dictionary.k12opened.com
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