[p2pu-dev] Notes from Community Call - 25th August 2011

John Britton public at johndbritton.com
Thu Aug 25 20:48:56 UTC 2011

Good suggestion Pippa, we'll test out how users react to putting schools
under the Learn item. I also really like the verb 'assist' will try that out
in a few places to see how it works.

We're going to draw a lot of attention to Schools on the P2PU homepage and
on the Learn page (possibly a carousel or similar) and also add a single
click jump to the footer. The goal is to give it a try and I think in the
end Schools will actually get more attention than they get now.

Give it a little time and we'll have some mocks to share and get feedback.
contact info:
@johndbritton - http://twitter.com/johndbritton

On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 1:11 PM, Pippa Buchanan <Pippa.Buchanan at gmail.com>wrote:

> Sorry everyone. Was still stuck thinking it was Wednesday, so probably
> wouldn't have contributed much in that delayed state of mind :-)
>>    - *UX / Navigation - **vocabulary - information hierarchy (schools
>>    specifically)*
>>    - UX opinion is that Schools doesn't belong in the main section on the
>>    site - how do we manage this / argue the point / get buy in from the
>>    community on this?
>> If Schools can't be in the main menu I think it's important to draw
> attention to them somewhere above the fold - the footer is far too hidden.
>  Giving Schools priority is important for the schools, but I think it's
> important for P2PU as it shows the breadth of topics and activity within the
> community.
> Could schools be listed as a secondary level / drop down under the Learn
> item as well as being featured prominently on the Learn page?  Though
> Schools don't feel very "active", so from a UX perpective I can see why they
> want to move them away.
> Learn
> - School of Ed
> - School of Webcraft etc
> And could one of the other levels be "Assist"? That might be an interesting
> way of framing participation from people who more specifically want to teach
> a course or who have expert advice to give, mentors (at school or p2pu wide)
>  and would be a great way of getting people involved in the P2PU community
> more broadly.
> Assist
> -- Advise on a course
> --Create a course
> -- Help build the P2PU project
> Assist (webcraft specific)
> -- Mentor an individual
> -- Create a Challenge
> I'm not sure if that's an appropriate way of framing it, but some people
> are going to come in the mode of learners and others will be more interested
> in sharing knowledge / running a more traditional course.
> P*
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