[p2pu-dev] PD/Course Assessment/Metrics Mockups

Jessica Ledbetter jessica at jessicaledbetter.com
Sun Aug 14 00:55:35 UTC 2011

Everything is now on our github wiki. Plus, we now have dates! :) I'll
update it as we go, of course.

On Fri, Aug 12, 2011 at 5:21 PM, zuzel.vp <zuzel.vp at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sat, Aug 6, 2011 at 7:24 PM, Jessica Ledbetter
> <jessica at jessicaledbetter.com> wrote:
> > Because privacy is important to us, I believe we're going to roll this
> out
> > slowly. Phase 1 would be just viewable on Karen's courses. Then we'll
> > introduce this for other organizers and tweak/grow from there. After
> that,
> > we'll open it to participants (though stripping out participants' names
> --
> > and I'm unsure about IP address data).
> Please make it only visible to karen (maybe add a list of allowed
> usernames in settings_local.dist.py so you don't have to hardcode her
> username) and django superusers too so p2pu staff can see how the
> stats page looks like in order to evaluate what we should open for
> other groups in the future. She can add co-organizers to the courses
> if necessary, but the co-organizers do not need to see the stats.
That sounds good. Also, I think we're working on a school for PD, right? We
could limit it to school of PD admins? Though, coding it just for Karen
works too :)

> > title. Question: Is that ok to have title? Or should it be slug? (slug is
> > not changeable but is more like what's in the url)
> Maybe page name and url (she will be able to click if she uses
> office/soffice/openoffice/... to see the csv file).

> >
> > Note: Dates are shown as whenever the first activity we have is meaning
> it
> > could be before and after the end of the course's run.
> >          <devNote>Considering the amount of data that we could be
> grabbing,
> > I'm thinking a daily cron would be best for this.</devNote>
> >
> Makes sense. On your dev environment with the anonymized db you could
> check performance with some of the SoW big courses.
> Definitely.

> > Phase 2: (maybe just Karen's courses and maybe the data of Phase 1 to
> other
> > organizers)
> > Table: After privacy policy finished being reviewed/updated, add last
> login
> > date and minutes logged in.
> >           Minutes logged in of course will be not completely accurate
> since
> > some may "log off" and some may "time out"
> > CSV: Add above now available data to do "min. on page."
> >          Add non-logged in users' ip addresses and their activity
> > Graphs: Add activity graphs.
> >
> > Note: I don't currently showed logged in time on the CSV for
> > non-participants that are logged in to P2PU. I'm hesitant due to privacy
> > issues but that's my cautious side. :)
> For users that are not following (people that answer signup become
> followers before they are participants) or participating in those
> courses you can anonymize the data (i.e. numbered fake usernames just
> providing the extra information that it is a logged in user). This
> will solve most privacy issues. I don't think the actual identity of
> those visitors will be useful to Karen in those cases. It is not the
> same as the participants or followers that are actually involved in
> the courses.
That works for me.

> Will last login and minutes logged in be computed based on the visits
> to the course pages? Which pages will be included (home page, tasks,
> full description, activities from the course, ...)?
Last login is a funny one. There's  "last_login" on auth_user but we don't
seem to have expirations so "last_login" could be really old if the person
is always visiting from the same browser. I'm looking at adding something
like "last_active" to maybe users_userprofile. We can get last_active once
we have tracking code on the pages.

Which pages: projects/project.html, all content pages of the project/course
(tasks, full-description), sign-up page, comment pages, project admin pages
(though not shown by default). Karen seems to mostly need task pages, but
I'll double check.

I'm not sure about activity pages. I guess in case someone clicks from their
email then it'd get hit but shouldn't the person then go to the task page?

Thank you,

Jessica Ledbetter
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