[p2pu-dev] PD/Course Assessment/Metrics Mockups

zuzel.vp zuzel.vp at gmail.com
Sat Aug 13 03:22:19 UTC 2011

On Fri, Aug 12, 2011 at 6:11 PM, Philipp Schmidt <philipp at p2pu.org> wrote:
> This all looks good.
> There are no privacy issues as long as only Karen has access to all
> data and we don't share users email addresses at any point.
> The dashboard view seems fine to share with the course organizer of
> each course.
> I still think it makes sense to show a lot of this information to all
> participants - but happy to take more time to work out the details.
> The (coming) privacy policy states that all information users publish
> on our site can be viewed by others except their email address and
> that they can choose a username that obscures their identity.

Will it also mention page visits stats?

> P
> On 6 August 2011 16:24, Jessica Ledbetter <jessica at jessicaledbetter.com> wrote:
>> Based on Karen's feedback, here are the latest course assessment pages :)
>> I have everyone else's too for future iterations but since Karen needs this
>> for assessing her Professional Development series this fall, we need to get
>> that out quickly.
>> Basically, there's an overview table and an export-to-csv ability. The csv
>> has a lot of detailed information and an example is attached.
>> Organizer Quick View table has a few neat features like you can type in
>> something in "Search" and it will filter the data. This might be useful to
>> quickly see all the participants with "jo" in their name because you can't
>> remember the full username. Or maybe just want to see everyone that logged
>> in on a certain date. The column that's sorted is highlighted with a
>> different color as the "admin-metric-overview.png" shows.
>> I still have linked to the graph view though for Phase 1 we might focus on
>> the table then add graphs in a future phase.
>> Because privacy is important to us, I believe we're going to roll this out
>> slowly. Phase 1 would be just viewable on Karen's courses. Then we'll
>> introduce this for other organizers and tweak/grow from there. After that,
>> we'll open it to participants (though stripping out participants' names --
>> and I'm unsure about IP address data).
>> Phase 1: (maybe just open for Karen's courses and accessible by Karen)
>> Table: Publicly accessible data (edits, comments)
>> CSV: Participants and followers plus above data
>>          Pages are listed as the page title -- two pages can have same
>> title. Question: Is that ok to have title? Or should it be slug? (slug is
>> not changeable but is more like what's in the url)
>> Note: Dates are shown as whenever the first activity we have is meaning it
>> could be before and after the end of the course's run.
>>          <devNote>Considering the amount of data that we could be grabbing,
>> I'm thinking a daily cron would be best for this.</devNote>
>> Phase 2: (maybe just Karen's courses and maybe the data of Phase 1 to other
>> organizers)
>> Table: After privacy policy finished being reviewed/updated, add last login
>> date and minutes logged in.
>>           Minutes logged in of course will be not completely accurate since
>> some may "log off" and some may "time out"
>> CSV: Add above now available data to do "min. on page."
>>          Add non-logged in users' ip addresses and their activity
>> Graphs: Add activity graphs.
>> Note: I don't currently showed logged in time on the CSV for
>> non-participants that are logged in to P2PU. I'm hesitant due to privacy
>> issues but that's my cautious side. :)
>> Please let me know if I've missed something!
>> Thank you,
>> Jessica
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