[p2pu-dev] Minutes of Community Call 11 August 2011
Rebecca Kahn
bekka at p2pu.org
Thu Aug 11 16:04:38 UTC 2011
Hi Everyone
Here are the minutes of this week's call. Thanks t everyone who attended,
and welcome to all the newcomers - it was great having you there.
These notes, and the chat transcript, as well as the notes from previous
meetings can be found on the etherpad: http://pad.p2pu.org/community
- Bringing the Schools working group back to life [Bekka]
- User support plan [Alison/ John]
- Badges within Web craft challenges [Erin] John will update below
- [Pippa, introducing Nadia]
- webcraft update [John]
Nadia " choco canel" E.
Jamie C
*Report Backs (in beta ) - Project*
- Assesment & Badges
- Metrics
- User Support
- Webcraft
*Communication & Admin*
Getting ready to send this week's "Featured Courses" messages (all input
Contratcing, admin and paperwork - new guru team
- Lernanta Dev Workshop -
- Dev meeting - https://github.com/p2pu/lernanta/wiki/Dev-Meetings-2011
- P2D on P2PU metrics -
*Standups - Individual*
- CYOA task - http://pad.p2pu.org/SoWChallengeCYOA
- Various meetings plus advancing on the professional development (pd)
metrics: http://pad.p2pu.org/devsummer and
- Because I'm addicted to coding on Lernanta, am working on other items
that will hopefully make Monday's release
- Meeting overload - preparations for the DML Competition (focused around
badge/assessment systems!)
- Working with design group to develop the assessment framework (from
Hewlett grant)
- On-ramping assessment specialist hire (starts September 1)
- Working on Webcraft 101
- New SoW landing page work
- Creating first set of tasks
- https://github.com/p2pu/lernanta/wiki/Dev-Meetings-2011
- Lernanta Dev Workshop last Saturday
- Picking SSL certificate for our future https:// login page
*Bringing the Schools working group back to life*
Do we want to bring it back to life?
Do we see it having value?
What would we want to use it for?
- A discussion space for people who are running schools to discuss
best practice
- A place for people to talk about how P2PU supports learners
- to discuss what P2PU offers schools
- to review school proposals - eg. school of fascism
- or if there are financial / partnership deals
Alison: the model we have is perfect but shouldn't P2PU make it as easy as
possible for people to start a school, and run with it?
- It became cumbersome because we had no idea what a school should look
- should staff take ownership of moving the process forward where the
schools left off?
- or should we try to re-invigorate the working group
Pippa: staff support is needed for schools in some respect
- some schools require greater support / financial partnerships - they
may require a staff liason
John: I don't think schools should all need staff support to get off the
ground - the barriers to entry, for some, should be as low as possible.
"Self-service schools"
Others, which involve partnerships will require more staff suppor
Pippa: what are the responsibilities of school "owners" in general?
reviewing courses, defining which course is in which school etc.
If you start a school (even self-serve?), what are you signing up for?
- eg. supporting Ali in Orientation?
- responsibility for your own promotion?
Jessica: Group tagging might help show where schools can form up too
*TASK: *Bekka: develop plan for self service schools - what are the
requirements that allow permissions into current technical barriers +1
*Ali & John's User support plan*
Right now we're lacking support in very important areas
Identified a few different areas:
- How to get a question answered well
- User support
- Philosophical stuff
- How to be a good peer learner
Recommend for user support: help.p2pu.org
- includes content, videos (articles)
- public/private forum
- chat
Looking into two platforms (assistly.com and tenderapp.com if anyone is
Trying to combine the idea of the old-skool orientation with the new idea of
the egalitarian open space with helping people start conversations and see
what works.
re: Philosophical / Peer Learning Support discussions
edupunksguide step by step
How do we provide "student support" at P2PU?
Ali receiving 100s of help desk request
- solutions - a catch all address for more support related requirements
*Badges within Web craft challenges*
Erin looking to get feedback on
*Short term school with gamification needs for youth in europe*
- Answer to an issue in European policy circles (youth in transition)
- Trying to devleop a new social contract for europe -
- Rather than usual top-down policy devleopment process, better to
examine what strategies are people already using to manage the transition
- Idea is to develop a "School for Trailblazers"
- age range - "youth" - those having difficulties getting into regular
work / education
- 18-35 yo (I still qualify for 'youth'!) (Me too!)
- combination of school - learn skills from other trailblazers, gathering
stories and anecdotes from those working / living collaborative lifestyles,
enabling democratic participation
- story gathering - what were their learning experiences that made them
- school / game / social network - social network with gaming
functionality that supports people learning
- obvious crossover with school of social innovation:
- social innovation
- democratic participation
- Technical Requirements
- gaming and motivational dynamics missing
- narrative framework support (pages?)
- collaborative document drafting
- yesterday - :-)
- project approved
- Nadia driving - need to be running and working for about 6 months (at
least) by May
- policy recomendation in May 2012 (major output of the youth
- Sent to European Council
- Zuzel - school support - organisation
- development - need more features implemented by project start
- email John, Zuzel, Philipp with requirements for technology
*Webcraft & Badges update *
- John drafted the following document: http://pad.p2pu.org/webcraft
- Reflecting on the lessons learnt in the past
- Focus going forward is on what was known as "Webmaking 101" which will
allow people to built their own web portfolios.
- Learning tasks can run concurrently or independently to a certain
- Tasks teach skills, have clear completion points, and have an end
product which is different from every person who takes on the task.
- These will be grouped in a collection that is cool to look through.
- People can mentor on that task voluntarily, and many people can mentor
- As tasks are completed, outputs will be documented and made visible
- Webcraft Presentation
- Give a clear idea, and a call to action: "learn web devleopment,
certified by mozilla, sign up to Webmaking 101
- As people get an idea of what a good task is, we can point to them and
encourage people to develop more advanced tasks within webcraft
- WRT Badges: there are a lot of badge-type moments in this scenario.
Maybe after 10 tasks, you get your first badge.
- Design gurus have been brought on to help design assessment models -
how do we build the webmaking 101 in with the work that this group is doing
- http://pad.p2pu.org/badge-integration
- Erin: this is a great model, once we know how it works, and can pull in
content experts, the potential is to make really robust assessment. Yay!
- One of the objectives is that an infinite number of people should be
able to do these tasks
- Once some of the tasks are ready, and people are doing them we can
think about how best to manage the social interaction aspect.
- John, Erin, and all the gurus will speak and report back. + jamie? Yes,
and Jamie!
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