[p2pu-dev] PD/Course Assessment/Metrics Mockups

Jessica Ledbetter jessica at jessicaledbetter.com
Sat Aug 6 23:24:14 UTC 2011

Based on Karen's feedback, here are the latest course assessment pages :)

I have everyone else's too for future iterations but since Karen needs this
for assessing her Professional Development series this fall, we need to get
that out quickly.

Basically, there's an overview table and an export-to-csv ability. The csv
has a lot of detailed information and an example is attached.

*Organizer Quick View table* has a few neat features like you can type in
something in "Search" and it will filter the data. This might be useful to
quickly see all the participants with "jo" in their name because you can't
remember the full username. Or maybe just want to see everyone that logged
in on a certain date. The column that's sorted is highlighted with a
different color as the "admin-metric-overview.png" shows.

I still have linked to the graph view though for Phase 1 we might focus on
the table then add graphs in a future phase.

*Because privacy is important to us*, I believe we're going to roll this out
slowly. Phase 1 would be just viewable on Karen's courses. Then we'll
introduce this for other organizers and tweak/grow from there. After that,
we'll open it to participants (though stripping out participants' names --
and I'm unsure about IP address data).

*Phase 1:* (maybe just open for Karen's courses and accessible by Karen)
*Table:* Publicly accessible data (edits, comments)
*CSV:* Participants and followers plus above data
         Pages are listed as the page title -- two pages can have same
title.* Question:* Is that ok to have title? Or should it be slug? (slug is
not changeable but is more like what's in the url)
Note: *Dates are shown as whenever the first activity we have is meaning it
could be before and after the end of the course's run.
         <devNote>Considering the amount of data that we could be grabbing,
I'm thinking a daily cron would be best for this.</devNote>

*Phase 2:* (maybe just Karen's courses and maybe the data of Phase 1 to
other organizers)
*Table:* After privacy policy finished being reviewed/updated, add last
login date and minutes logged in.
          Minutes logged in of course will be not completely accurate since
some may "log off" and some may "time out"
*CSV: *Add above now available data to do "min. on page."
         Add non-logged in users' ip addresses and their activity
*Graphs: *Add activity graphs.

*Note: *I don't currently showed logged in time on the CSV for
non-participants that are logged in to P2PU. I'm hesitant due to privacy
issues but that's my cautious side. :)

Please let me know if I've missed something!

Thank you,
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