[p2pu-dev] Feedback on my first Lernanta Task

John Britton public at johndbritton.com
Sat Apr 30 23:47:38 UTC 2011

I just completed my first task as part of a group on the new site. Here's a
bit of feedback:

When responding to the task (via comment) the task should be displayed on
the same page. Often participants are directed to respond to the content of
the task.

Threaded discussion is great, I'm not sure about how many levels of
threading we should support. How can we test different levels and come to a

I don't know what comments are new since the last time I visited the group,
it's not a critical feature so we should probably hold off for now but would
be a nice to have.

Task navigation is a bit clunky at the moment, you have to scroll way down
past the description to move around. I think we could have next/previous
task buttons near the task title to make it easy to move around. Similar to
my feedback on comments, it would be good to know which task I am on and
which I have completed.

Thanks so much to everyone who has been contributing, the new site is
looking amazing!

John Britton

contact info:
@johndbritton - http://twitter.com/johndbritton
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