[p2pu-dev] Hello I Am Interested In Tech Involving P2PU

zuzel.vp zuzel.vp at gmail.com
Thu Apr 28 23:06:19 UTC 2011

Hi Wesley,

Some first possible first steps:

* https://github.com/p2pu/lernanta/wiki has information on adopting a task
* we are usually online at #p2pu-dev on Freenode
* There is a study group about Introduction to Contributing to
Lernanta that can help you get started --
* You should join the dev mailing list as well --
* Our big list of things people can help with is at


2011/4/27 Wesley Pennock <wesleymarkpennock at gmail.com>:
> How may I help or contribute inside or outside of the dev group?
> --
> Sincerely,
> Wesley Pennock

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