[p2pu-dev] Espanol!

Stian Håklev shaklev at gmail.com
Mon Apr 25 13:01:55 UTC 2011

ah, that's hilarious. Yeah, I was wondering how the browser language would
impact the language of an e-mail message. :) DIdn't consider that it might
be the browser language of the person sending the message...

On Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 08:58, Jessica Ledbetter <
jessica at jessicaledbetter.com> wrote:

> Fascinating. Not sure. I was getting notices in English this weekend in
> development but I visit the site in English these days. I did set up my
> browser to default to Spanish for weeks while testing and, frankly, being
> gleeful over the Spanish translations going into place.
> I also got this email in Spanish and I suspect others did too. My theory --
> totally haven't tested it but -- is that because Vlad surfs the site in
> Spanish that the email was Spanish. I thought that that didn't work but
> maybe with the "switcher" button in place now it sets something in session
> or such?
> Sorry for the inconvenience :)
> Jessica
> On Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 8:22 AM, Stian Håklev <shaklev at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Exciting with a new version of P2PU. Love the small touches, like the
>> icons for moving tasks up and down, etc. And internationalization.
>> Apparently I'm getting notices in Spanish now. Pretty cool, and I don't
>> mind, but I'm not quite sure how that happened, and where I would go to
>> change it to English?
>> Stian
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: <admin at p2pu.org>
>> Date: 2011/4/25
>> Subject: [Introduction to Cont] Vladimir Támara Patiño publicó un
>> comentario en 1: Introduction to the Group.
>> To: shaklev at gmail.com
>> Introduction to Contributing to Lernanta fue actualizado.
>> Vladimir Támara Patiño publicó un comentario en 1:  Introduction to the
>> Group.
>> Comentario:
>> Currently I use a distribution of OpenBSD called "Aprendiendo de Jesús" or
>> "adJ" that I produce http://aprendiendo.pasosdeJesus.org
>> I prefer short courses, 1 month is fine, 1 week each task is fine.
>> For me the main value behind Open Source is solidarity, it is also a
>> common point with my faith and theology (christian, mennonite).
>> Ver comentario en:
>> http://new.p2pu.org/es/groups/introduction-to-contributing-to-lernata/content/task-one-introduction-to-the-course/#353
>> Sinceramente,
>> El Equipo de P2PU
>> Configure sus notificaciones: http://new.p2pu.org/account/settings/
>> --
>> http://reganmian.net/blog -- Random Stuff that Matters
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> --
> Jessica Ledbetter
> http://jessicaledbetter.com
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