[p2pu-dev] Migration date.

Jessica Ledbetter jessica at jessicaledbetter.com
Tue Apr 19 14:08:05 UTC 2011

I'll help out where I can, of course, and have been following Zuzel's lead
for milestones and interjecting my opinions with tickets here and there :)

If the question is "when can we stop having people create an account and
course on the old site" then I guess those that didn't feel comfortable
making a course on Lernanta maybe could answer that? What's missing that
kept them from creating on there? If we have that missing part now (or very
soon), then I definitely say "go for early."

Speaking of those that created on the old site vs the new: I asked alindeman
why he made on the drupal site (
http://p2pu.org/general/introduction-programming-ruby ) and he said that he
wanted to focus on making content more than beta test. He asked what the
benefits of the new were so maybe if we had that prominent that'd help
transition people over.

If people are in the middle of a session, maybe they can finish up there?
New accounts/groups would be only allowed on the new site. And we could
switch the "home" and add a link like "Looking for the old site?" and/or
maybe make redirect type pages for the courses in progress?

Jessica Ledbetter
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