[p2pu-dev] github issue tracker

zuzel.vp zuzel.vp at gmail.com
Thu Apr 14 01:36:11 UTC 2011

Hi Brian,

I got feedback and managed to move the tickets from the first project
at lighthouse (the part of moving only the first project is hard coded
for now). -- https://github.com/zuzelvp/testinglighthouse2github/issues
. For the rest the software looks good. If in the future we decide to
move the dev tickets to lighthouse I will use it.


On Tue, Apr 12, 2011 at 7:08 PM, Brian Brennan
<brianloveswords at gmail.com> wrote:
> If tickets from lighthouse need to be ported to GH issues, and you don't
> want to do it manually, a fine gentleman that works on Rails whipped this
> up: https://github.com/benlangfeld/Lighthouse-2-Github
> The rstat.us crew used it earlier today to migrate their issues to Github
> and it worked pretty well.
> Brian
> On Tue, Apr 12, 2011 at 6:59 PM, zuzel.vp <zuzel.vp at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I read that post and this is my opinion:
>> * The github tracker will be easy to use for any developer (same as
>> lighthouse), both are better than pivotal.
>> * The relation between tickets and commits that is on github could
>> help developers but confuse non-tech people.
>> * I used test accounts on lighthouse and github, and both seam to have
>> restrictions in which what a non-member can do (in both non-members
>> can add/edit tickets with a title and a description; in lighthouse
>> they can also upload attachments, in both they can not add tags or
>> assign tickets to users and milestones; at github non-members can
>> reply to comments by email; and both trackers do not allow the
>> creation of new tickets by email).
>> * All the other features (for members and non-members) have
>> equivalents on both trackers.
>> * I will not recommend moving in the near future because we should
>> first get the opinion from the community (non-tech and tech people),
>> and because it will be better to schedule such a move at a point in
>> which we can take the necessary time to move tickets from one tracker
>> to the other (we have 99 open tickets at the moment and more to come)
>> and the goal to have our 1.0 release in Jul 18th.
>> * If someone wants to get feedback from the community I will recommend
>> to send an email using "relations with commits in github",
>> "attachments for non-members in lighthouse", and "reply to comments by
>> email in github" as the main comparison points.
>> --
>> Thanks,
>>    Zuzel
>> On Mon, Apr 11, 2011 at 12:02 PM, Philipp Schmidt <phi.schmidt at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> > joe mentioned this on the list recently.
>> > https://github.com/blog/831-issues-2-0-the-next-generation
>> > it's up to you if you want to consider moving over. it does have some
>> > advantages over lighthouse, including email reply integration (reply to
>> > a
>> > task by email). given that we are trying to get all developers and more
>> > people to contribute, having everything in one place might make that
>> > easier.
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