[p2pu-dev] [p2pu-schools] SoSI News

Philipp Schmidt philipp at p2pu.org
Fri Apr 1 16:14:36 UTC 2011

On 1 April 2011 09:26, Dan Diebolt <dandiebolt at gmail.com> wrote:

> We just went through a scenario where a contractor was PAID to make largely
> configuration changes to the Drupal site to allow course administrators to
> embed content using a sandboxed <iframe>. Whatever rationale, debate, or
> trade-off went into that decision applies equally well to allowing a
> sandboxed <iframe> in the new site as the security policy of <iframes>
> hasn't changed nor has the rich text editor being used (CKEditor is used in
> both platforms).

That decision was taken without a lot of consultation and debate and should
not be used as an example for making technology choices. There are valid
question and concerns regarding integration of external content, and for the
new platform we are taking a more careful look at the pros and cons. We need
to hear all the different opinions - and thanks for making your position on
this matter very clear. If there is no obvious consensus, then we trust
Zuzel to make an informed decision that let's us move forward. P
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