[p2pu-dev] [p2pu-schools] SoSI News

Dan Diebolt dandiebolt at gmail.com
Fri Apr 1 08:26:25 UTC 2011

We just went through a scenario where a contractor was PAID to make largely
configuration changes to the Drupal site to allow course administrators to
embed content using a sandboxed <iframe>. Whatever rationale, debate, or
trade-off went into that decision applies equally well to allowing a
sandboxed <iframe> in the new site as the security policy of <iframes>
hasn't changed nor has the rich text editor being used (CKEditor is used in
both platforms).

I really don't give an ounce how you characterize me based on my blunt
feedback and colorful language but anyone who does not recognize the
extremely poor user experience the P2PU platform offers users and course
organizers has their head in the sand. But I don't mind being the
sacrificial lamb if it results in enough attention being drawn to fixing the
problems numerous people before me have experienced.
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