[p2pu-webcraft] Annual State of the Content Review

John Britton john at p2pu.org
Tue Sep 20 12:56:57 UTC 2011

Thanks for sharing Dan, I'd really be interested in your feedback on the
upcoming Webcraft challenges. Please take a look here:

You mentioned the need for more interactive content (perhaps using
JSFiddle). Would you be willing to put together a couple challenges for
people to learn JS using JSFiddle? If you put them together on a separate
page at first we can test them out and potentially move them into School of

contact info:
@johndbritton - http://twitter.com/johndbritton

On Mon, Sep 19, 2011 at 5:49 AM, Dan Diebolt <dandiebolt at gmail.com> wrote:

> *State of the Content*
> Every September 18th I conduct an annual "State of the Content" review for
> WebCraft.
> We turned our scanners loose on the p2pu.org website and compiled the
> folowing results. Well actually it was just a couple of dozen lines of
> JavaScript but it sounds more impressive calling it a scanner.
> The are 12 WebCraft Courses listed as open which collectively listed 107
> tasks. Among these 107 tasks there were zero tasks that used an embeded
> object (<iframe>, <embed>, <object>) despite the fact that the CKEdit
> richtext editor now supports an embdding mechanism (using embed.ly). Among
> the 107 tasks there were 3,809 hyperlinks 486 of which were to external
> domains (versus p2pu.org, p2pu.lighthouse and other p2pu support domains).
> There was a wide range of external links which pointed to references (eg
> wikipedia.org, w3.org, php.net etc), personal blogs and websites,
> articles, software tools, services and other unclassified sites. Among the
> more popular external links the following categories and frequencies were
> seen:
>    - Source Code Archives
>       - github.com (40)
>    - Etherpads
>       - htmlpad.org (32)
>       - etherpad.mozilla.org (5)
>    - Code Sharing Services
>       - jsfiddle.net (22)
>       - pastebin.com (8)
>       - pastie.org (8)
>       - gist.github.com (2)
>    - Google Services
>       - google.com (9 - search URLs, code, spreadsheets)
>    - Video
>       - youtube.com (5)
>       - vimeo.com (4)
>    - FileSharing Services
>       - min.us (2)
>       - dropbox.com (1)
> WebCraft users are using a variety of pads, source code & file sharing
> services, and rich media. However, they appear to be unaware that much of
> this content can be embedded into their task definitions or that there is a
> native syntax highlighter available. In fact, several courses are using the
> CKEditor to manually color code their inlined code samples.
> *Recommendations:*
>    1. Explain the benefits and promote the usage of rich media into the
>    p2pu platform using existing capabilities
>    2. Prioritize the bug fixing, enhancement and development of embedding
>    rich media into the p2pu platform using existing capabilities
>    3. Promote awareness and the indexing of best of tools to be used with
>    WebCraft Cources (see the community toolbox)
>    4. Develop a strategy to allow external embedded content to be bound to
>    a user's identity as a database entry in fulfillment of course assignments
>    and work product. This capability to should searchable, reportable and
>    indexed so that progress can be tracked and that the corpus of accumulated
>    work-product feeds back into the courses as additional learning materials.
>    5. Priority should be given to embedding tools and services that
>    support collaboration and forking of work product.
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