[p2pu-webcraft] jsFiddle Embed and Syntax Highlighting

Dan Diebolt dandiebolt at gmail.com
Fri Sep 16 20:47:00 UTC 2011

I performed some additional tests of using the embed feature within the
CKEditor for common providers that might be used in webcraft courses.


Most of them worked but you don't have fine grain control over layout, size,
styles, font size etc. It definitely is an improvement.

It is really important to get jsFiddles to embed properly because their
usage covers an enormous swath of front-end technologies (HTML, CSS,
JavaScript) and all the modern JavaScript libraries (YUI, jQuery, Dojo,
Processing, Prototype, ExtJS, RightJS, Raphael - heck they even include
Glow!). Additionally, jsFiddle provides the best mechanism to
effortlessly collaborate and fork each other's work - a unexploited
essential feature for projects like P2PU.
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