[p2pu-webcraft] Google's Dart

Nicholas Doiron ndoiron at andrew.cmu.edu
Thu Oct 13 13:22:22 UTC 2011

I have to say I have similar doubts about using Dart.  If you don't know
JavaScript, you won't get *why* Google proposed a new language, or why
Dart compiles into JavaScript.  For people coming in without
HTML/CSS/JavaScript knowledge, I'd recommend P2PU courses involving those

Has P2PU had courses for much more popular next-web-tech platforms such as
Native Client, Go language, Diaspora, or Phone Gap?  I'd sign up for a
course in any of those before Dart right now.

Side note: why are only challenges featured on the front page of School of
Webcraft?  http://p2pu.org/en/schools/school-of-webcraft/

Nick Doiron

On Thu, October 13, 2011 5:53 am, Dan Diebolt wrote:
>> You mean that there should be a course on a proposed language that may
>> or
> may not be implemented by browsers and that has not really impressed the
> web community yet?
> Absolutely - the discussion around Dart is enthralling and you will learn
> a lot about programming language design and get a great understanding of
> the shortcomings of current practices. There is a brain trust of talent at
>  google and from the community at large giving their opinions and it is
> one of the richest and most passionate exchanges of ideas I have seen in a
>  while. But I agree that Dart has a lot of obstacles to overcome for
> acceptance and Brendan Eich himself has said you will never see it in
> Mozilla and other browsers. Browser Wars Redux.
> However, the real point of the post was to highlight yet another
> opportunity where bringing external content into the P2PU would provide
> another great learning opportunity on a hot topic.
> On Tue, Oct 11, 2011 at 2:38 PM, Lars Gunther <gunther at keryx.se> wrote:
>> 2011-10-11 19:15, Dan Diebolt skrev:
>>> You could be so bleeding edge and have a course for example on
>>> Google's
>>> new *Dart *language which is smoking hot right now.
>> You mean that there should be a course on a proposed language that may
>> or may not be implemented by browsers and that has not really impressed
>> the web community yet?
>> And even if Google *can* convince Mozilla, Microsoft, Opera and Apple
>> that Dart is needed and the best solution (which I see no sign of yet)
>> it will take a few years until browser support is good enough for the
>> language to be actually used.
>> --
>> Lars Gunther
>> http://keryx.se/
>> http://twitter.com/itpastorn/
>> http://itpastorn.blogspot.com/
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