[p2pu-dev] Tech call notes 2012-10-12

Dirk Uys dirk at p2pu.org
Fri Oct 12 09:38:15 UTC 2012

   - Progress

   - Courses UX:

   - Backend clean-up

   - Fixed up some issues with pagedown editor (preview was not the same as
   the final HTML after saving)

   - PS: I want to play with this a bit, but find it confusing at the
   moment, e.g what's the difference between "Update Content" and "Preview"
   isn't clear to the user until they click on those

   - Disqus

   - There were some issues with comments not loading - those were fixed

   - PS/QUESTION: Can we put the discussion back underneath the content,
   rather than on a separate page?

   - DU: Still not convinced that Disqus is the best option, but happy to
   try it out and give it a real chance

   - Main benefit is less work for us / less confusing. But has limitations
   as well (gives us less control over spam, .

   - PS: You can configure single-sign on, but only in the Pro version
   (which costs money) - No free non-profit discount for the full version as
   far as I know ;-(

   - DU: How much more work do we want to do before we roll this out for
   some users?

   - PS: Agree. I think we're pretty close. I talked to Bekka about asking
   a few of our "power users" to create courses in the new UX (when you are
   ready). I also think everyone who gets paid by P2PU should put up an actual

   - CSS (where are we with this? what's missing, if anything?)

   - Dashboard pages are done

   - Fixed up header


   - Is this page still accurate? Would be useful to see a list of things
   that still need to be done. http://pad.p2pu.org/p/dirk-chris

   - not up to date. everything on that page is 'done' but needs to be
   cleaned up (can we please have some place where we track this. for
   someone who is not in the trenches it feels like this is turning into the
   neverending story ... and would be great to see what we still have to do
   ... )

   - maybe a trello board?

   - Resolved previous issue with openbadge API over HTTPS

   - Mech MOOC

   - grouping for MOOC

   - groups formed later today

   - groups emails being sent out this evening

   - CE: "This is going to work!"

   - DU: Let's be ready to recover if something goes wrong. Let's get a
   backup of the heroku database as well.

   - Q/DU: How do we handle unsubscribes?

   - CE: Mailgun logs the unsubscribe request. Then we run a process to
   actually remove people from the group databases.

   - Priorities

   - Mechanical MOOC - CE - until Oct 15

   - CSS - CE

   - Courses - DU

   - Schools - DU/CE

   - Problems

   - Spam - should be OK for now

   - CSS framework

   - Old courses/challenges/study groups not 100%

   - do we fix it or use old layout/css?

   - Where does help link go when you log in?

   - http://help.p2pu.org ???

   - Courses

   - disqus

   - + less effort, notifications, moderation

   - - extra login, any registered users can comment per default

   - editor - server side preview

   - pagedown is nice, but we need to clean up content and the preview
   should be exactly the same as the final version!

   - Schools

   - talk now or set up separate call
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