[p2pu-dev] Tech call notes 2012-11-01

Dirk Uys dirk at p2pu.org
Fri Nov 2 08:34:15 UTC 2012

1 Nov

   - Progress

   - Course UX

   - beta.p2pu.org - (almost) ready to launch

   - to discuss release process on community call

   - https://trello.com/board/course-ux-update/508e6160fe9e0b6244007cc0

   - LRMI

   - talked with Greg http://pad.p2pu.org/p/lrmi

   - School of Data

   - Not using beta.p2pu.org or p2pu.org for now

   - Plan is to build a Mechanical MOOC, and schools features over time

   - Another round of feedback for CSS Framework

   - https://trello.com/board/css-framework/5076d9cce4b0c2b6650c53f0

   - Priorities

   - Getting beta.p2pu.org up and used (UX, CSS)

   - Change main "Create" button to link to new UX creation - already the
   case on beta

   - Hiring more developer resources (LRMI, HTTPS, badges/assessment)

   - Problems

   - Process

   - Dev communication - Standup on Monday, Tech call on Thursday

   - Ideas

   - MooC Maker - allow people to create a Mech MOOC

   - Next step: Try to raise funds through Lab pool / Draft a 1-2 page

   - What have we built so far? -> Mech MOOC / Python course

   - What is the opportunity? (Benefit)

   - What is needed to make it happen?

   - What will we learn by doing this?
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