[p2pu-dev] Notes tech call 2012-03-07

Alison Cole alison at p2pu.org
Wed Mar 7 18:07:14 UTC 2012

Does this mean I can test review in alpha? If so, let the community know?


On Wed, Mar 7, 2012 at 8:57 AM, zuzel.vp <zuzel.vp at gmail.com> wrote:

> Mar 7
> *demo
> *login as administrator/password
> *alpha.p2pu.org/en/reviews/pending/
> *Fix before release:
> *Combine current "Pending" and "Under Review" tabs
> *Terminology
> *Pending -> New course
> *Accepted -> Reviewed  (maybe "approved" is a better word, used more
> commonly in sites) I'm very nervous about terminology like approved or
> accepted - it implies that by default new courses are not approved,
> and creates a new power hierarchy -ok, how else to communicate?
> calling it "Reviewed by the community" or "Listed"
> *http://alpha.p2pu.org/en/reviews/projects/test-webmaking-101/review/
> *Mark as Accepted. -> Mark as "Reviewed" (also, remove end "." for options)
> *Work on after release
> *Make this a discussion / public review process that becomes a visible
> part of the course page
> *users have to request review
> *add notifications
> *Push without design updates, if possible. We should have community
> input on designs upcoming.
> *demo: alpha.p2pu.org
> *Hidden functionalty:
> *append infinite_scroll=on to the url get parameters (e.g.
> http://alpha.p2pu.org/en/groups/?infinite_scroll=on) to test autoload
> alternative
> *featured=popular and featured=updated -- Popular and Last updated
> sections not completedly removed yet
> *under_development=on, archived=on, closed_signup=on -- courses in
> this categories are not shown unless this paramenters are passed
> *Other details:
> *order: from new to old based on course creation date
> *links on the site:
> *main nav bar, p2pu home, dashboard, ...
> http://alpha.p2pu.org/en/groups/?reviewed=on&featured=community
> *Browse at school home page
> http://alpha.p2pu.org/en/groups/?reviewed=on&school=3
> *Tags at courses' sidebar
> http://alpha.p2pu.org/en/groups/?reviewed=on&tag=Tag%203
> *Under development: ajax to avoid reloading page when using the filters
> *Fix before release:
> *Layout: Avoid "Community Reviewed Only" line break in the Filter
> *Happens in Chromium (will be renamed to community reviewed when
> filters gets renamed to Show Only)
> *Make filter button not necessary (checking and unchecking the box
> will cause the filter to updated)
> *"Search Tags" should be more tags, we don't want users to think that
> this is a search funcitonality. Should be an autocomplete tags
> dropdown like this: http://cl.ly/12271V3v0G0m0C1G3k2B
> *little big planet has a neat tag search http://lbp2.me/  &
> http://lbp2.me/search?t=newest
> *Enable selection of all languages (could be done by adding a checkbox
> in front of Language)
> *Fix after release:
> *Bring back the "Popular" option but review the logic/algorithm behind it
> *How will users discover under devlopment courses if they want to
> (most users don't, I presume but don't know)
> *Update the categofies of "featured" courses
> *Make the "community picks" a *real* community pick, based on some
> aggregate opinion of the community
> *Include a "showcase/highlight" section (which works like the old
> "featured" option)
> *Discussion:
> *Will we check if the Tags features is useful?
> *google analytics for /groups?tag=something
> *Are "Community Picks" really "Community Picks?"
> *Not at this point, it's the new name for the previous "featured"
> courses functionality
> *Clarification: Showcase (currently called Staff Favourites in the
> Demo is the previous featured functionality). Community picks works
> similar but instead of having a site admin marking courses as
> community picks we can have reviewers marking them when theydo the
> community review process.
> *Issue with production server
> *diagnosis?
> *It looks like we were out of RAM.
> *threads
> *http://pingdom.com
> *Reported to be Slow Yesterday
> *John restarted apache and it went back to normal
> *django sent a MemoryError report to me at 12:11 AM (UTC)  --
> http://pastie.org/3541044 at
> *linode charts sow a ~0 on the cpu and networks charts between ~22:00 -
> 05:00
> Moved to Next Week Agenda:
> *Status OBI
> *Chloe: looks like there are a lot of updated stuff on
> http://openbadges.org/ and we should be able to move ahead with the
> new obi integration ;)
> *beta.openbadges.org
> *https://github.com/mozilla/openbadges/wiki/Issuer-API
> *Community List Google group embed
> _______________________________________________
> p2pu-dev mailing list
> p2pu-dev at lists.p2pu.org
> http://lists.p2pu.org/mailman/listinfo/p2pu-dev


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