[p2pu-dev] [p2pu-community] Using IDs for courses rather than slugs

Philipp Schmidt philipp at p2pu.org
Fri Aug 31 11:27:28 UTC 2012

No strong opinion either way, but one unintended benefit of using IDs would
be to make it easier to rename courses.

Currently, the SLUG remains unchanged, even if the course title is changed.
Using an ID would make that less of an issue.


On 31 August 2012 09:42, Dirk Uys <dirk at p2pu.org> wrote:

> Hi everyone
> Stian mentioned this a while ago. It comes down to a URL being
> "/courses/465/" instead of "/courses/help-me-learn/".
> We have a few options:
> We can add the slug after the ID - "/courses/465/help-me-learn/". It
> won't really be used, so '/courses/465/the-quick-brown-fox/" would be
> equivalent.
> We can also try to resolve something like "/courses/help-me-learn/" to
> "/courses/465/help-me-learn/" if the slug exists. But if the slug then
> changes, "/courses/help-me-learn/" would return a 404 (page not
> found).
> Would everyone be happy if we simply used the ID ("/courses/465/") and
> what would the benefit be of adding a slug after the ID?
> Cheers
> Dirk
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