[p2pu-dev] [p2pu-community] Notes from this week's community call

Jane Park janepark at p2pu.org
Thu Aug 23 16:19:27 UTC 2012

Re School of Open logo - Piet and Philipp, since you're on the School of
Open discussion list - can you raise those issues on the School of Open
logo thread? openly? :)

Re Trello link, this link works for me and is public when I'm not logged
in: https://trello.com/b/slWxdy0L. Maybe it has to do with being part of
the P2PU org? Because I made the board itself public when I created it.

On Thu, Aug 23, 2012 at 8:54 AM, Rebecca Kahn <bekka at p2pu.org> wrote:

> Much like the Olympics, those of you who were there will know, it was
> brilliant!
> Especially the discussion about the usertesting - thank you, Vanessa!
> All notes, and chat transcript can be found here:
> http://pad.p2pu.org/p/community-20120823
> *Attendees (welcome to any newbies)*
>    - Add your name (and twitter handle) here
>    - Vanessa (@mozzadrella)
>    - Bekka
>    - dirk
>    - Piet
>    - Philipp
>    - Chris
>    - Molly
> *Standups **What have you been up to? Short **written** notes (we'll
> discuss only if there are questions)*
>    - Bekka
>    - Finance handover
>    - Community emailing
>    - Writing up Berlin
>    - Stats crunching (for newsletter)
>    - Prepping next newsletter - any suggestions welcome
>    - Watching a LOT of cricket
>    - Vanessa
>    - Mechanical Mooc stuff: blog posts, loose ends, begging Dirk for
>    help, etc.
>    - *Around 1700 signups as of yesterday :)*
>    - User testing research presentation
>    - Course creation research project
>    - DML research coordination
>    - School of Data coordination--helping shape the larger curriculum in
>    light of interest-based learning
>    - All of the DML webinars/hangouts/administrivia
>    - Working on Project page for Mechanical MOOC
>    - Googlehangout with OpenPhDs later today (possibly)
>    - Chris
>    - CSS framework has good progress made.
>    - We will have all the styles in a good place for early next week to
>    start using it
>    - Philipp
>    - Shuttleworth funding
>    - Mechanical MOOC basking in the limelight
>    - Getting back into the swing of things
>    - Dirk
>    - Learn page updates - see alpha.p2pu.org
>    - School of Open in footer - see alpha.p2pu.org
>    - trying to move archive.p2pu.org to shared hosting
>    - Jane
>    - School of open logo
>    http://info.p2pu.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/schoolofopen-eh3-dark.png is
>    the winner!
>    - Piet -> I feel a bit uneasy about "CC" being on the logo. while CC
>    is a main partner in the SoO, it's not the only group or set of individuals
>    involved. plus, the SoO is about more than copyright or licensing. it's
>    huge as it should be. the more the logo reflects CC, the less *diverse*
>    participation we'll see (I think). I really want to see groups like
>    FreeSkool and various Occupy movements get involved, and CC might be a
>    deterrent.
>    - I thought the same today. Does it exclude other open licenses like
>    the OSS licenses etc.
>    - Does it give us legitimacy and branding power that is useful? It can
>    be CC-sponsored/supported--CC has like, 60,000 twitter followers
>    - CC's participation and support definitly supplies great legitimacy
>    and branding power. that can be leveraged in many ways, but doesn't mean
>    the logo needs to include CC.
>    - Philipp -> I agree that having a strong partner can drown out other
>    partners, but it's a delicate balance - the reality is that CC brings a
>    huge, and diferent audience, and providing support in terms of Jane's
>    position, and other logistics. Perhaps we can find a way that the CC logo
>    can be used in a more subtle way
>    - I see no issue in putting the CC logo on the school of open site - I
>    just think the school's logo should be more, well, open...
>    - School of Data - Nice logo with OKFN branding in the logo
>    http://schoolofdata.org/
>    - Isn't that the OKFN logo?
>    - I see that the Webcraft logo has Mozilla prominently placed and i
>    understand why you want to do that. I do wonder what message that sends
>    though (sponsoring a school gets you advertising space).
>    - Running School of Open openly on trello (
>    https://trello.com/b/slWxdy0L) and elsewhere as noted in discussion
>    list: http:// <http://groups.google.com/group/school-of-open>
>    groups.google.com/group/school-of-open
>    - the trello page is private, can we make it public?
>    - Ready to rock at OKFest in Helsinki w/School of Data -- feedback
>    welcome on workshop format:
>    http://etherpad.creativecommons.org/p/Open%20Peer%20Learning%20Workshop
>    - Going to be running mini-workshop for CC staff at in-town-week
>    - Joint convening w/37 major funders, "open" leaders, and CC
>    affiliates (including P + D) is coming along, now has a wiki page:
>    http://wiki.creativecommons.org/Open_Policy_Institute/2012_Convening
>    - Iterating on courses with Open.Michigan!
>    - NWP has expressed interest in co-creating a future course for their
>    educator community on CC tools-->that's *awesome* Jane
>    - Add your name (optional)
> *News of the week **Written** notes on what's going on in our world
> (bring up special announcements on the call)*
>    - Blog posts you wrote
>    - From P:
>    http://info.p2pu.org/2012/08/21/its-alive-the-mechanical-mooc-offers-gentle-intro-to-python/ (actually
>    written by VMG - but i'll take the credit)
>    - Articles you read
>    - Google changing the algorithm for organic search:
>    http://www.wordstream.com/blog/ws/2012/08/21/new-google-serp?mkt_tok=3RkMMJWWfF9wsRoiu67AZKXonjHpfsX/4uwpWKWg38431UFwdcjKPmjr1YcHT8V0dvycMRAVFZl5nRtXCOSGaJJF%2B/g%3D
>    - BostonInno:
>    http://bostinno.com/2012/08/23/mit-opencourseware-partners-with-codecademy-openstudy/
>    - NYT:
>    http://www.nytimes.com/2012/08/21/education/mechanical-mooc-to-rely-on-free-learning-sites.html?_r=1
>    - Initiatives you heard about
>    - Connected Educator Month at the U.S. Dept of Ed - they want people
>    to submit badges for educators to earn; maybe some tie-in with the School
>    of Ed? (http://connectededucators.org/communities/submit-badges/) -- I
>    heard about this from a post to the Mozilla Open Badges group
> *Key updates*  *Super short updates about P2PU*
>    - Exciting new courses to check out (Bekka)
>    -
>    https://p2pu.org/en/groups/data-cleaning-and-basic-spreadsheet-skills/ -
>    please review!
>    - https://p2pu.org/en/groups/data-wrangling-stage-2-multiple-data-sets/ -
>    ditto!
>    - https://p2pu.org/en/groups/play-framework-first-steps/ - feedback
>    would be great
>    - Development priorities (Dirk)
>    - Release next week - not a major release
>    - Learn page improvements
>    - School of Open in footer
>    - CSS framework
>    - Psyched about this--will it make our CSS cleaner? Fonts, corners,
>    etc?
>    - Courses, Challenges & Groups -> Courses
>    - Course creation
>    - That research will be complete this weekend, Dirk :) I'll pass it to
>    you ASAP.
>    - Server upkeep
>    - State of the mustard (Philipp)
>    - Stats slightly down this month (5%)
>    - Haven't had time to investigate but probably just be the post-Berlin
>    blues
>    - What about blog traffic? One sec ...  huge spike since the
>    Mechanical MOOC announcement
>    - info.p2pu.org exploded on the day, went from <100 to 900 :)
>    - p2pu.org also received increased traffic
>    - http://mechanical <http://mechanicalmooc.org/>mooc.org<http://mechanicalmooc.org/> received
>    2835 on the day
>    - http://cl.ly/image/3l0B0544303P
> *Agenda **Core of the call. Focused on four types of conversations
> (invited guests, challenges you need help with, proposals you want feedback
> on, ideas you need collaborators for). *
>    - Support for Schools
>    - Community: so many google groups and mailing lists... how do I
>    encourage more participation in mine? School of Open discussion list...
>    - Home page, Learn page: We have a logo -- can we feat. School of Open
>    on the home page now?
>    - Yes - DU working on it (quick fix is to add to footer, longer-term
>    we might bring back the Schools drop-down in the header)
>    - see alpha.p2pu.org with short term fix
>    - P2PU Turning 3
>    - Dates for timeline
>    - Thank yous to community
>    - Who wants to bake a giant cake? ME!!!
>    - Photos of people blowing out 3 candle cakes
>    - Illustrations by Alison? (I'm still waiting for my profile picture)
>    - have asked her to do this for the thank-you's, she's keen
>    - We need key dates from the community--let's ask them
>    - User Testing of P2PU Homepage Mockups
>    - Pop on over to the slideshare
>    -
>    http://www.slideshare.net/VanessaGennarelli/user-research-p2puorg-home-page
>    - VMG -> There are several collaborative design tools out there, and I
>    think that they are a way to combine ways of group
>    collaboration/participation beyond a mailing list
>    - Slide 2 -> 2 key questions: can new learners find info they need to
>    enroll? and Can organisers find the info they need to create a course?
>    - Slide 3: We used VerifyApp, and decided on 2 tests - a labelling
>    test to see if new users "get" p2pu when they come to the site, and an
>    annotation test, to see if organisers can get what they need
>    - Slide 4: We got 100 responses on the labelling test (1000 people
>    looked at it)
>    - Slide 5: Results (some): our labelling does not come across as
>    clear, the cover looks like a price tag (people expect to see a price
>    there), create a course is an intimidating ask
>    - Slide 6: People HATE the activity feed.
>    - Current activity stream is not useful. Let's get rid of it.
>    - Long-term -> It's nice to get a sense of "activity" on the homepage,
>    to feel like there is something going on here. Could put on the backburner
>    and try to build a better activity stream at some point.
>    - Slide 7: suggestions: tweak cover slide (people want to know an
>    organiser's name before they enroll), include signup button, include a
>    "tour" function, insted of activity feed, could feature schools, badges,
>    pictures and profiles of power users (+1 from Bekka)
>    - maybe we can show awarded badges instead of activity or pending
>    badges
>    - Slide 8: Annotation test: this slide is a visualisation of this
>    test's results
>    - Slide 9: "create a course" button more frequently used, people don't
>    understnad why it's important to learn with peers, people are cinfused
>    about the call to action,
>    - Slide 10: Reconsider the "find" versus "create" flow - let people
>    see the courses before asking them to create - that way they become more
>    familiar with the culture of P2PU.
>    - I like Option 2 (and would add schools and people)
>    - "Learn more" -> "Take a tour" (also recommended on slide 7)
>    - Slide 11: realisations for next time -
>    - Slide 12: talk to Dirk and Chris about implementation, Always Be
>    Testing, results are on dropbox:
>    - Applause!! +1 (this is fantastic!)+1 many many times
>    - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IxAKFlpdcfc
>    - Philipp -> What I really like is the idea of using the home page to
>    help people learn about the culture, and this should guide the design of
>    the home page.
>    - It would be useful to show people courses, schools and people on the
>    home page
>    - I like "take a tour", I think it's better than "learn more"
>    - VMG: I can write that content :) and I'm happy to help...
>    - Feedback seems to be that we need to get rid of the activity feed.
>    Not that acivity feeds are bad, but right now ours sucks. So if we have one
>    that listed interestng things, it would be a good idea to bring it back,
>    but not right now.
>    - Philipp -> I don't think a designer is what we need right now, if we
>    can get the CSS stuff up, then a lot of the design elements are in the
>    framework, and we have a grid so it's about getting material into the grid.
>    Then Chris and/or a front end developer can work on that
>    - Chris > I think we still need a look and feel though, because then
>    we can implement stuff faster
>    - Dirk -> perhaps we can get a designer to come in and look at things
>    every now and then, do evaluations, and fix the worst stuff, rather than
>    overhauling the design completly.
>    - VMG -> So our workflow would be: I work with Chris to see what can
>    be implemented now, and what still needs to be designed?
>    - Philipp -> I think a lot of it depends on how far we are with the
>    CSS framework, becuase if we're close to having that ready, then we can get
>    going on that quite quickly.
>    - Chris -> I think the CSS will be ready next week, so then we don't
>    have to worry about duplicating stuff.
> *General discussion and questions*
>    - Anything else that just needs to be said out loud
>    - South Africa is at the top of the ICC Test Cricket rankings!
>    - Vanessa is heading back to school---grrrrrrrr
>  --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the "P2PU
> Community" group. Please stick to the ground rules:
> http://groups.google.com/group/p2pu-community/web/ground-rules
> Specific topics such as research, web development and course design are
> discussed in separate working groups:
> http://wiki.p2pu.org/mailing-lists

School of Open

Latest news: http://info.p2pu.org/tag/school-of-open
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