[p2pu-dev] [p2pu-community] [torchmail] Introducing Torchmail

Jos Flores josmasflores at gmail.com
Thu Aug 2 13:18:07 UTC 2012

Hey Dirk,

re API throttling; I do not remember adding any tastypie code for
that. We did talk about it but being only half awake I might had
missed it. I can add it if you want. Or are you thinking about doing
it some other way?

Let me know if you want a pull request (probably can get around to do
it at the weekend). Also haven't got around doing any testing, but I
will! :)


On 2 August 2012 13:46, Dirk Uys <dirk at p2pu.org> wrote:
> Cool. I didn't find google analytics code in header.php or footer.php?
> Did all the plugins that's currently installed on wordpress come from the
> blogs setup?
> Cheers
> d
> ps. We should probably break out discussion like this and start a new
> thread?
> On Thu, Aug 2, 2012 at 2:39 PM, Jessy Kate Schingler <jessy at jessykate.com>
> wrote:
>> that's probably better anyway, i was just blindly migrating the old
>> settings :p.
>> --
>> Jessy Kate Schingler
>> http://jessykate.com
>> Sent with Sparrow
>> On Thursday, August 2, 2012 at 2:29 PM, Dirk Uys wrote:
>> Mmm, I'll have to check. Google Analytics flat lined after the migration.
>> I installed a plugin for analytics - that way they stay there even if we
>> change the theme.
>> Cheers
>> d
>> On Thu, Aug 2, 2012 at 2:22 PM, Jessy Kate Schingler <jessy at jessykate.com>
>> wrote:
>> i think analytics are already on info.p2pu in the configuration area of
>> the theme, in the footer or maybe in the "extra code" field or something
>> like that. i definitely ported over some analytics code from the old blog.
>> --
>> Jessy Kate Schingler
>> http://jessykate.com
>> Sent with Sparrow
>> On Thursday, August 2, 2012 at 8:58 AM, Dirk Uys wrote:
>> Wednesday 8:51 AM South African time:
>> I'm back in South Africa after a marathon of flights and today I will
>> start picking up where things left off. In a perfect world I would be able
>> to do the following today:
>> * Put Google Analytics on info.p2pu.org
>> * Finish the bit to protect us from "Out of office" replies from rogue
>> email providers :)
>> * Do some final testing to make sure throttling is working on our alpha
>> API
>> * Prepare for a release
>> * Communicate with Nadeem about how we would like to use metrics
>> * Make sure all the code we developed during Berlin is on the p2pu github
>> This will probably keep me busy tomorrow as well!
>> On Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 3:11 PM, Philipp Schmidt <philipp at p2pu.org> wrote:
>> These emails will get loong. If you dont want to see them in your inbox
>> just filter messages with [torchmail] in the subject.
>> This week I am cooking up all those strategy and purpose discussions from
>> Berlin into a tasty blog post, finalizing contracts for our DML badges
>> grant, jot down our key talking points for the mechanical mooc project,
>> travel home to cape town, and then get ready for two weeks of vacation.
>> P
>> On Monday, July 30, 2012, Vanessa Gennarelli wrote:
>> P2PUers,
>> In Berlin, we regularly reflected on what we all were working on by way of
>> daily standups. We found those reflections extremely useful personally, and
>> the process of sharing prompted some cool collaborations. On a daily basis
>> we shared those notes with you, in the hopes that you could see our
>> progress, and jump in with ideas or recommendations.
>> We want to keep that spirit going--Dirk suggested we "Pass the Torch" with
>> a regular update on what we are doing.  We'd like to illustrate how
>> high-level P2PU priorities translate into our everyday work. At the same
>> time, we're experimenting with the best way to express what we're working on
>> to the community.
>> Vanessa's [torchmail] 30 July 2012
>> In Berlin we had a visit from GIZ, a German education agency that is
>> looking to build a stronger community. I will be working on the activities
>> for a Cross-Cultural Communication-esque P2PU course "Stranger in a Strange
>> Land" and would love input from you all.
>> I've been working with University of Maryland researchers to get our
>> Mechanical MOOC Script final--now we just need to build it :)
>> A visual summary of our activity in Berlin to come.
>> Based on feedback from Philipp and others, I'll be working on the
>> assessment plan (and can't wait to share).
>> Begin to sketch out P2PU/Soundcloud event at MIT in
>> September--storytelling activities and learning event design.
>> Vanessa could use help with:
>> Testing activities for Stranger in a Strange Land.
>> Anyone who wants to jump in with what they are working on this
>> week--please do!
>> Vanessa
>> --
>> Vanessa Gennarelli
>> Learning Lead, Peer 2 Peer University
>> vanessa at p2pu.org
>> @mozzadrella
>> --
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> --
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