[p2pu-dev] Challenges page mockup

zuzel.vp zuzel.vp at gmail.com
Thu Sep 8 23:18:54 UTC 2011

On Thu, Sep 8, 2011 at 6:03 PM, Philipp Schmidt <philipp at p2pu.org> wrote:
> On 8 September 2011 16:53, Arlton Lowry <arltonlowry at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Comments below. :)
>>> This is going in the right direction. Thanks for sharing Arlton!
>>> Comments / questions
>>> * Community help - It would be useful to have space where users can
>>> ask questions related to the overall challenge (not specific to an
>>> individual task). These could be more general questions on how tasks
>>> fit together or questions about mentors ... In yesterday's call we
>>> discussed (and I believe we agreed) to keep the wall as a way to
>>> "post/communicate" while we are revisiting the activity stream
>>> feature. That would solve this issue.
>> I'm still not sold on the Activity Stream being apart of the Challenge pages. I don't see it adding that much value. I would actually argue that it takes away from the Challenges pages ability to inform the user and in-turn confuses them. I understand why the Activity Steam is on the individual tasks pages, because the users needs to be able to discuss each task, ask questions, etc. I could see the Activity Stream being its own page where we send people to discuss the overall challenge?
> I'm not hung up on the details of how we implement it, but I'd like to
> see the UX more strongly push a sense of "serendipity" and community,
> to pull people into conversations with each other, and to allow us to
> communicate with the entire cohort working on a challenge. I thought a
> "wall" type feature would help with these, but happy to see other
> proposals.
> Serendipity / Community - The list of avatars is great and let's me
> see the faces of other people, but in order to feel like I'm part of a
> community with them I would need a way to actually ask questions - or
> see what others are talking about. I also currently have no way of
> asking for general help from the challenge cohort (I can only ask
> specific questions within each task).
> Communication - We need a way to communicate with an entire cohort
> working on a challenge. For example, to let them know about an online
> seminar with someone from Mozilla that is relevant to the challenge.

FYI -- I could move the disscusion area to its own page for challenges
and the dual functionality of activity stream and disscusion area is
easily separable.

> I'm not sure where we want to anchor the community - at the "Webmaking
> 101" level across all challenges or within each challenge. If we move
> it up to Webmaking 101, it needs to be easy to find / access from
> within challenges.
> P
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