[p2pu-dev] [p2pu-community] Re: Embedding Kahn Academy and Connexions Course Materials Using API

Kathi Fletcher kef at rice.edu
Wed Oct 26 04:12:06 UTC 2011

I am keen to participate in these discussions about API's and remixability
of this content. I am subscribed on the list with my rice address, but am
now working on publishing API's for OER through a Shuttleworth Foundation
fellowship.  -- Kathi

On Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 6:26 AM, John Britton <john at p2pu.org> wrote:

> (moving community to bcc)
> I think it's best to keep technical discussions like this to the dev list.
> I think the others on the dev list are open to bouncing API integration
> ideas around here so long as we keep the discussions positive and
> productive.
> I've started another thread on the dev list called "P2PU Primitives."
> Let's brainstorm the minimum set of primitives that make up P2PU, ideally
> the things that we'd like to expose in an API for developers to build their
> own learning experiences.
> From there I think we can start to talk about a plugin architecture and
> more.
> --
> contact info:
> http://www.johndbritton.com
> @johndbritton - http://twitter.com/johndbritton
> On Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 3:30 PM, Dan Diebolt <dandiebolt at gmail.com> wrote:
>> FWIW, when you play a video through Kahn Academy they send back to the
>> mother ship a series of requests that track the visitor's progress through
>> the video and some clickstreaming data of the user's page activity. Within
>> P2PU the only real basic tracking that you need is completion of tasks and
>> a way to record links to external work products (eg "*I created this URL
>> in fulfillment of the task xyz*"). Anyway this is the type of tacking
>> the Kahn Academy uses - about every 40 seconds:
>> GET
>> /logvideoprogress?last_second_watched=163.143&seconds_watched=39.996&video_key=...
>> I don't fully understand how they do this but they are using a custom
>> youtube player:
>> http://groups.google.com/group/youtube-api-gdata/browse_thread/thread/3b14e1ba9552635f
>> It is interesting to note that popcorn might be configured to do similar
>> video lesson sequencing and progress streaming.
>> I think the time has come to organize some type of list, group, course,
>> whatever to bounce around API and integration issues and develop ways to
>> test out some of these ideas as prototypes. I grow weary complaining about
>> lack of support for <iframe>s  ...
>> On Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 8:19 AM, Dan Diebolt <dandiebolt at gmail.com>wrote:
>>> FWIW, Kahn Academy, Connexions and OER Glue all have APIs that either
>>> emit JSONP (Kahn) or can have their XML response converted to JSONP using a
>>> proxy such as YQL. This allows you to embed courses into P2PU or other
>>> learning platforms using dead simple client side techniques. This is not
>>> very visually appealing but it should demonstrate that there are a lot of
>>> integration and data exchange possibilities of open learning materials:
>>> http://p2pu.org/en/groups/lernanatron/content/connexions-course/
>>> http://p2pu.org/en/groups/lernanatron/content/kahn-academy-video-playlist/
>>> There is a technical glitch in coming up with an example for OER Glue
>>> that requires a little more massaging of the data so I will forgo an
>>> example.
>>  --
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the "P2PU
>> Community" group. Please stick to the ground rules:
>> http://groups.google.com/group/p2pu-community/web/ground-rules
>> Specific topics such as research, web development and course design are
>> discussed in separate working groups:
>> http://wiki.p2pu.org/mailing-lists
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Katherine Fletcher
Email: kef at rice.edu Twitter: kefletcher
<http://www.twitter.com/kefletcher> Blog:
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