[p2pu-dev] Fwd: problems with IE

John Britton john at p2pu.org
Tue Oct 4 11:32:17 UTC 2011

I think there was a thread in the past about IE support, if I remember
correctly we decided on modern browsers with a best effort toward older
browsers (namely IE6).
contact info:
@johndbritton - http://twitter.com/johndbritton

On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 8:39 AM, Nadeem Shabir <ns at talis.com> wrote:

> Philipp, Zuzel :
> Ensuring any web application works over the myriad of different browsers (
> versions ) and os' is hard; and can be a very costly activity.
> Most recently I've integrated Sauce Labs into our own continuous
> integration environment here at Talis; largely because we no longer wanted
> the pain of having to set up either physical or virtual kit to replicate the
> various OS and Browser (+ version ) combinations - since you need those
> environments to run your automated tests against. Sauce Labs (
> http://www.saucelabs.com) provides a cloud based service that manages all
> of that for you. We still write all of our browser tests in Selenium; but
> our CI environment automatically schedules those tests on every build
> against every version of any browser we are interested in.
> Our developers all have free accounts with Sauce Labs, and we have a single
> paid for account that which is used by the Continuous Integration server.
> This goes a long way in helping verify if the application is working across
> different browsers and is great for testing for  "functional" issues.
> This however does not help with Visual issues. For example you might be
> able to get a page to look the way you want in Safari and Firefox and Opera
> but for some reason the layout is inevitably screwed in IE. What we've found
> is that a purely functional test suite wont automatically spot these issues.
> For that we developed a slightly different approach a couple of years ago
> based loosely on this:
> http://robert.ocallahan.org/2005/03/visual-regression-tests_04.html
> Our automated test suite runs against all the browser combinations using
> Sauce Lab, but the tests take, and store, screen shots at key points in
> every workflow.
> We then use a visual diff and set a threshold of btw 2-5%, and flag a
> failure if screenshots for the same page across different browsers differed
> more than that threshold.
> Whilst this is not "perfect" its a close as we've ever come to it, or
> needed it to be; and alerts us straight away when we've made what appears to
> be an innocuous change but introduces a visual regression.
> I wonder if a similar set up might help?
> On 3 October 2011 17:07, Philipp Schmidt <philipp at p2pu.org> wrote:
>> On 3 October 2011 15:59, zuzel.vp <zuzel.vp at gmail.com> wrote:
>> > On Mon, Oct 3, 2011 at 8:11 AM, Philipp Schmidt <philipp at p2pu.org>
>> wrote:
>> >> I thought we support IE. From version 6 (or 7?) onwards ... ?
>> >>
>> >> Is this just a bug maybe - do we test browser support as part of the
>> >> development process?
>> >
>> > http://lists.p2pu.org/pipermail/p2pu-dev/2011-April/000851.html
>> Quoting your message:
>> "When I am developing, I visit the site with Firefox (3.6.16 at the
>> moment) and with Chrome (10.0.648.205 at the moment) sometimes, so the
>> site is more likely to work well with those. Now that we are in beta,
>> I think a good policy for browser support could be to allow people to
>> report any browser related issues to lighthouse and contributors to
>> resolve them. Some IE related issues have being fixes by voluntary
>> contributors in the past releases."
>> It's awesome to see that volunteers are helping fix these issue, but I
>> would love to see us do more to make the experience for IE users less
>> frustrating:
>> * Add late versions of IE to the list of supported browsers, and
>> include them in release tests
>> * Let them know that the site doesn't work well in their browser (and
>> that we are working to fix it - if it's a supported browser)
>> Thoughts?
>> P
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