[p2pu-dev] About search for new.p2pu.org

Vladimir Támara Patiño vtamara at pasosdeJesus.org
Thu May 26 13:03:54 UTC 2011

Hi, since search functionality is required in Lernanta, I wanted to 
share that, thanks to God, I have been developing a search engine in 
C++ called Mt77, it is in the public domain, (documentation in spanish):
(if you want to try it, use the CVS version please).

It is the search engine used by:

I have not compared very recently but last year comparing it with

	Search speed: Mt77 is faster
	Precision: Mt77 is more precise (some occurrences of a word were
		not found by Lucene)
	Indexation speed: Lucene is a lot faster
	Index size: Lucene indexes are a lot shorter

Best regards.
Dios, gracias por tu amor infinito.
  Vladimir Támara Patiño.  

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