[p2pu-dev] important for school organizers: latest changes about how a group becomes part of a school

zuzel.vp zuzel.vp at gmail.com
Thu Jun 23 19:41:42 UTC 2011


If you are a school organizer please visit the school edit page. There
is a new tab named "Membership". If there is a group that should not
be part of your school because the topic is not related to the school
please contact the organizer and remove it from that list. Starting
today school organizers (as discussed on http://pad.p2pu.org/community
and http://lists.p2pu.org/pipermail/p2pu-webcraft/2011-June/000160.html)
are in charge of adding groups to their school. At the moment Alison
will provide closer support to the School of Math Future and School of
Social Innovation for filtering which groups could be of interest for
the school organizers. Pippa should be receiving notification directly
so she can include groups to School of Webcraft. Please read
and give feedback.

I also recommend schools to include some information in their home
page about how a group can become part of the school. There will be
probably users asking about this changes as well (to Alison, on
qa.p2pu.org, on uservoice or lighthouse).


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