[p2pu-dev] DB Dump for Datamining p2pu

Stian Håklev shaklev at gmail.com
Fri Jan 28 16:51:19 UTC 2011

Charles would have to do this, I don't know how. I also suspect that a mysql
dump would be less than useful, given the way data is structured in drupal,
although I don't know this for a fact. If we wanted to do an export through
Drupal, it would need some time to define how to export it.


On Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 11:38 AM, Jessy Kate <jessy.cowansharp at gmail.com>wrote:

> hey all/charles and stian,
> would you be comfortable giving vid and emmanuel an anonymized database
> dump to do data analysis with? they have some  neat ideas and it would be
> nice to let them run with it.
> if so, perhaps you could post a zip of it on the server for them to
> download?
> jessy
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: स्वक्ष <svaksha at gmail.com>
> Date: Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 11:55 PM
> Subject: [p2pu-research] Datamining p2pu
> To: P2PU-research <p2pu-researches at googlegroups.com>
> Hello Folks,
> This discussion started out on p2pu-dev[0] but Stian requested it be
> moved out of *-dev.
> [0]
> http://groups.google.com/group/p2pu-dev/browse_thread/thread/f8ca8965961d13da#
> On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 05:09, Stian Håklev <shaklev at gmail.com> wrote:
> > I think we should probably move this to p2pu-researches for further
> Done, as per request.
> > discussion to avoid clogging p2pu-dev. I think the easiest initially
> might
> > be data-dumps, but we might provide APi access too - we'll see.
> Its easier to work with data-dumps so I'd prefer to choose that
> option, if available :)  I have installed MDP[1] on my laptop and am
> reading up on it but if you have alternate suggestions, please say so.
> Also, would it be possible to create a testing machine with ssh access
> (do advise to whom I should send my public sshkey) so I can start
> playing with it --install MDP and test it with a db dump from p2pu.
> [1] http://mdp-toolkit.sourceforge.net/ {I chose MDP because its
> python  (as are lernata/django website) based and thought it would be
> less of a system administration nightmare to maintain packages from
> the same language.}
> > Part of the problem has been figuring out the privacy questions... What
> data
> > do we have a right to expose publicly, do we need to anonymize etc. It's
> > different at P2PU than in a university class, since all learning happens
> > publicly, and there is no expectation of privacy, but there might still
> be
> > concerns we need to think through.
> Sure, privacy is important. To avoid individual identification, I'd
> suggest mining for "patterns" instead of the individuals. That means,
> for example, we'd look for patterns between languages ("do we have
> more python and ruby courses as compared to R-lang?") instead of "How
> many python courses $person studied?". To start out, does that sound
> like a reasonable alternative? Suggestions are welcome.
> Generally speaking, I'm technically inclined but its also important to
> know how the data is going to be used and by whom? Who are the stake
> holders and what they hope to gain from it...etc.. I'd assume that is
> the reason Stian requested the discussion be moved here.
> Ofcourse, as the system is being built we can always discuss and
> decide what data should be released publicly and what is for internal
> p2pu consumption. Maybe these discussions can be iterative in distinct
> multiple threads :)
> I'm sure I've missed many things so please feel free to keep the
> discussion going...and thanks for reading,
> PS: Although I've joined the group, I was unable to post to this list
> earlier (my mail was returned) so can the admin please check if my
> membership was approved earlier? I'm using the googlegroups web
> interface to mail this message.
> --
> Regards,
> vid ॥ http://svaksha.com
> --
> Jessy Cowan-Sharp
> http://jessykate.com

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