[p2pu-dev] Notes from Community Call - 22 December 2011

Rebecca Kahn bekka at p2pu.org
Thu Dec 22 17:12:40 UTC 2011

Hi Everyone

Thanks to all those who joined today's call - some serious discussions were
had, so please read these notes carefully, and keep an eye on your inboxes
for some email follow-up. In the meantime, have wonderful holidays,
everyone, and we'll see you next week.
As always, the notes and chat transcript can be found at
*December 2**2nd*

   - Attendees

   - Zuzel

   - John

   - Alan

   - Alison

   - Brylie

   - Chloe

   - Philipp

   - Standups

   - Alison

   - Bekka (late)

   - Last of the workshop recon

   - workig on marketing materials

   - Chloe

   - UX-athon > Updates with Arlton for Challenge Improvements

   - Challenges HackJam Blogpost with Recap here http://bit.ly/tyWPaB

   - Hackasaurus Challenges Curriculum: 4 challenges for teens

   - Challenge 101 Curriculum Testing

   - What is a challenge storyline

   - How to make a challenge storyline

   - (very)Draft animatic "what is a challenge" http://vimeo.com/34025799 &
   "how do I make one" http://vimeo.com/34082970

   - Community members made their own challenges, i.e. Playing MadLibs with
   Python: Building Your First Game http://bit.ly/rRJdgH

   - Zuzel will do update on dev;) Badges in Tasks, <iframes>, Set of

   - John

   - Hiring Developer

   - 1:1 Calls with people requesting mentors

   - Contacting badge reviewers - these aren't mentors necessarily

   - (send list of p2pu user names to zuzel, so that she can assign mentor
   status for them, then their vote counts 3 times)

   - Jobs page

   - Philipp

   - Budget 2012

   - Prep for board meetings

   - Challenges project

   - School of Data proposal to Shuttleworth Foundation

   - Invoices ;-) & Payments :-(

   - Zuzel

   - At the Challenges/Hackasaurus Hackjam with Chloe last week --

   - Working on the cards at the Hackasaurus board

   - Luis: Challenge Sets

   - Atul: Linking to Hackasaurus challenge with postMessage back

   - Zuzel: Inline badge application at challenge tasks

   - Alan

   - Hub Collaboration brewing for a "Design Thinking for Social
   Innovators" course to launch at OEW

   - Preping for Ashoka U Exchange Feb 10-11 - Laura White will launch open
   "Engaged Learning in Education" course (because Tulane's faculty senate
   rejected it for lack of funding!) and Alan will lead a workshop

   - Starting to map out conferences to pursue for 2012:

   - Working on Rio +20 contacts (went to NYC last week for intersessional)

   - Working on Bioneers App

   - New Courses

   - READY:

   - Playing MadLibs with Python: Building Your First Game:


   - DIY U : http://p2pu.org/en/groups/diy-u/

   - Think OutWord 2012: http://p2pu.org/en/groups/think-outword-2012/

   - Part of a series for Jan 10 event in Panama -->

   - Elegir el tema del sitio:

   - Elegir el Nombre de un Sitio Web:

   - Organizar el Contenido de un Sitio Web:

   - MAYBE:

   - TEC 305/10: http://p2pu.org/en/groups/tec-30510/

   - Exploring past life regression:

   - Web Development from Scratch:

   - ENG394 Monuments, Memorials and Memory:

   - HTML 5 Introduction: http://p2pu.org/en/groups/html-5-introduction/

   - UBUNTU for creative humans:

   - Showcase items

   - need Mozilla year end blog post  @john will you help with sow post?

   - Need P2PU year in review blog post [Philipp]

   - CV: Naming challenges that are grouped together - how should we
   name/describe them?

   - Set +1 +1+1+1 +1 > ok we will use that for now.

   - Pack

   - Path

   - Quest

   - Mission

   - Channel

   - Discussion:

   - We had a prior discussion about trying to converge study groups,
   courses, and challenges into one thing [yes, totally agree and would
   love to discuss this separate - but this is for a number of
   challenges/courses/groups that are put together]

   - Platforms such as Flexbooks (ck12.org), Booki (booki.cc) and
   ConneXions (cnx.org) allow teachers/creators to re-mix and integrate
   content from various resource 'modules', other books for example. I.e. the
   challenges could be mixed into another learning path (or set).

   - Question: if is set for example will it be Challenge Set? What Happens
   when we want to join Courses, Study Groups, and Challenges in a Set?

   - *I think this is VERY important:* Generally we should try and avoid
   jargony names for things - explain jargony

   - words that we have to teach to our users... ie they don't already
   understand them

   - John Question: Who makes this sets? right now we are testing

   - first step: siteadmin

   - second step: schools to groups their challenges/schools

   - next: anyone (much later, we should see how this works)

   - Course / Challenge / Study Group Converging

   - Study groups & challenges lack structure that challenges provide -
   essentially course + challenge aren't philosophically different.

   - AC would like to see study group & course options dissapear from P2PU

   - AW seconds the suggestion to make the challenges functionality part of
   the synchrnous experience of running a course. +1

   - BO: I think that challenges should converge into the general course
   context as a content type rather than their own seperate course type. +1

   - BO: I like having modular options (e.g. challenge, discussion,
   multimedia, eBook, wiki page, etc) within a greater course context (or set).

   - AC: suggests only challenges at P2PU,

   - PS: seconds this idea, people seem to understand the word course much
   better even if it's following the async model etc

   - *A **Challenge** **[P2PU course] **is a fun way to learn with your
   peers at your own pace.  A Challenge **[P2PU course] **begins with a
   problem that you are asked to solve. In order to do so you have to move
   through different tasks, take on a role, work with your peers and most
   importantly "make things" all while earning badges that highlight both your
   technical and community super powers. *

   - CV: joined P2PU to create models for assessing deeper learning.

   - A key issue in assessment is the idea of solving problems as a way to

   - The inquiry-based approach makes a challenge as a problem that needs
   to be solved.

   - ZV: Currently the descriptions that exist for users are just a few
   sentences that need to be improved upon.

   - The first-step in the course-creation process is the point at which
   that information, which differentiataes courses/challenges etc is given to

   - JB: people like the words that they're familiar with. (should be
   careful not to be too "traditional" though)

   - JB: Suggests

   - Course / Set- ordered list of what we now call challenges, any user
   can create

   - Lesson / Course - what we now call an individual challenge (Lesson is
   very much something one-directional where you get taught, module is also
   well understood but less top-down) (I don't love this name either) (how
   about: You can start either with just "creating a badge challenge" or
   "creating a course."  If you create a course, you may want to create
   challenges *within* that course that can allow you to earn badges.)

   - Style - if we decide to keep multiple types of groups

   - Styles "nameless" - idea is conveyed directly +1

   - synchronous/not

   - facilitator/expert/not

   - f2f/not

   - Differentiation happens depending on whether the activity is run
   synchronosly, asynchronously, has a "leader" or is something that can be
   done on by an individual.

   - Course/studygroup/challange is replaced and becomes "Course" and then
   people choose  a style.

   - PS: To get started, we can use course (to replace
   course/challenge/group) and the different styles

   - Brylie: it's worth *not* partitioning the educational content right at
   the beginning of the course, becuase a lot of the attributes (e.g.
   number of participants) of the course will emerge as the course takes
   shape (i.e. black swan, hindsight bias, retrospect awareness)

   - JB: what if this happened when the course gets "published" - so you
   only need to make that decision at the end of the course creation process.

   - PS: Are we trying to solve too many problems with this? Right now the
   difference between courses and challenges is quite significant, and perhaps
   the decision will answer some of these questions.

   - *TODO: *JB to summarize and report back with recommendation based on

   - focus on things that seem to have broad agreement and incremental
   improvements going forward

   - consider dev effort

   - Current description in the Site

   - Study Group -- group of people working collaboratively to acquire and
   share knowledge.

   -  Course -- led by one or more organizers with skills on a field who
   direct and help participants during their learning.

   -  Challenge -- series of tasks peers can engage in to develop skills.

   - 1) Improve those sentences

   - 2) Include a First Step in the creation process that just involves the
   selection of the learning model and give a lot more information.

   - CV: Workshops / Challenge Creation Jams

   - Really great to be able to meet people in person, and work at the hack

   - Suggestion: that we have more challenge jams, small events, not a big
   deal, just for a few hours

   - Alan had the same idea separately

   - Q: Is there a way to do this online/virtual as well?

   - Q: This is a good idea. How can we support this? Someone takes the
   lead :) We could create a pack for running your own challenge creation jam
   and then anyone can do it. Set some dates for the first ones. Do we need
   funding? if we need to fly people maybe, but i would say for now low
   budget, in the places we are located we run a challenge creation jam

   - Detail to follow for the January one

   - Bekka: Do we need another/melded form of communications - a weekly
   newsletter, with new courses folded into it? Or should we keep them sepa

   - PS: Ok bekka, let's be a little more out there with the writing. i'm
   up for that.

   - maybe we come up with a few sections

   - recent blog posts

   - events

   - courses

   - community member profile

   - showcase items

   - aggregate statistics about community activities (# of participants,
   challenges completed, new course enrollments, etc.) Could possibly be
   generated automatically from analytics.

   - Bekka & Philipp can try start writing them together

   - Wednesdays are the new newsletter days.

   - Will consider twice a month if it's too much work (and we don't have
   enough cool stuff)

   - AJC: New Years Resolution for community members - bring new
   friend/neighbor into P2PU

   - It has to be somebody you know!

   - And you tell us about them in the community call in January?

   - AJC: Timing for promotions monthly vs. semester *[Moved to next call]*

   - AJC: Adding dates to cards:

   - If we could pin estimated dates to some of the cards in Trello, it
   would be very useful.

   - For me too ;-)

   - JB: Start with "implementation" column

   - When is the next call. Everyone up for next week or January?

   - John - I'm in next week +1

   - Bekka

   - Philipp

   - Brylie

   - Zuzel

   - Alison
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