[p2pu-dev] Fwd: sign-up

Philipp Schmidt philipp at p2pu.org
Mon Aug 29 15:29:18 UTC 2011

John might have some more detailed feedback from the UX people working on

I understand that the "Moderated signup" link has two purposes, both of
which makes sense. But right now - it just confuses users. Could we either
just hide the entire row "Signup .... Moderated signup" for now?

(1) Allow users to see what questions they have to answer in order to

- Users will see the questions when they hit Participate

(2) Allow organizers and participants to see who else is part of the course
and how they replied to the sign-up questions

- Under the people images, add a link that says "More detail on
participants" and point to the sign-up page


On 28 August 2011 21:15, zuzel.vp <zuzel.vp at gmail.com> wrote:

> Forwarding to the dev list for feedback.
> Currently we have two links or ways to reach the answer signup form:
> * The Participate button on the sidebar.
> * The post answer button on the signup page
> and one link to the signup-page:
> * The closed/non-moderated/moderated signup link on the sidebar.
> We still receive feedback regarding issues finding this pages, so
> ideas/comments are welcome. See bellow initial ideas from Karen.
> --
> Thanks,
>    Zuzel
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Karen Fasimpaur <karen at k12opened.com>
> Date: Sun, Aug 28, 2011 at 5:33 PM
> Subject: sign-up
> To: "zuzel.vp" <zuzel.vp at gmail.com>, Alison Jean Cole
> <alisonjean.cole at gmail.com>
> Once a course is open for sign-up, could clicking the "moderated
> sign-up" link take you the actual sign-up (the same as clicking
> Participate button)?
> Or if it's easier, could the text in the moderated sign-up screen say,
> "Please answer the following set(s) of questions by clicking the
> Participate button if you want to become a participant"
> A few people have had problems knowing how to sign-up as it is
> currently. (I missed the Participate button myself the first time
> through.)
> Thanks.
> karen
> --
> K12 Open Ed
> www.k12opened.com/blog
> * Learn about the Kids Open Dictionary at http://dictionary.k12opened.com
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