[p2pu-dev] Fwd: About pre-designed courses and my idea how the courses should be

Jessica Ledbetter jessica at jessicaledbetter.com
Fri Apr 1 17:23:06 UTC 2011

Hi Miguel and everyone :)

On Thu, Mar 31, 2011 at 2:14 AM, Miguel David <migueldavidx at gmail.com> wrote
> - i know there is a side for do work task http://p2pu.lighthouseapp.com/ .
> wow too cool, very simple and usefull, i love simple thinks. the only bad
> think for me is that you can not work with images. Sometimes a picture is
> worth a thousand words:) especially for me, to my mind is hard understand
> the words and much more if they are in English  :P
> I like pictures too. I think there are some on the lighthouse site but most
I have seen are rough sketches (wireframes).

> - one of things i worry about is p2pu have some concepts already stablished
> and my ideas maybe can hit some of those concepts and i dont wanna sound
> rude.

We all want the same things in the end so input is good :) I think there
were some things discussed recently at a few meetings and that is what the
developers/administrative staff are working off of. I think all those notes
are on lighthouse now. Maybe? :)

- and finaly i never work in a proyect like this before (nooob). so there
> are to many thinks i dont know, but i learn fast and im sure i can help
> making p2pu a great place to teach and learn.
Welcome! Open source projects can be very fun in general and this is a great
project to get started with, in my opinion :)

What I have been reading and finding helpful:

I know it's English but maybe we all can work together to make parts in
other languages? Like installation guides for other developers that are not
English speakers. I just got the development environment set up on my
machine last night and typing up my lessons learned now. It will be
screenshot heavy for sure.

There are text descriptions (like user stories) on lighthouse but also some
I think these came from the recent meetings. I am focused on the next
version of P2PU because it's Python and it's a language I want to learn more
about but there are also tasks for the current Drupal (PHP) site on

Please Philipp, Zuzel, and others, correct me if I'm wrong, but maybe it'd
help to discuss specific things on the ticket? Attach ideas of layout, maybe
building ideas, then someone (Zuzel?) stamps that as approved, and then we
can separate out from there to backend and frontend developers/designers.
Even content writers :) Maybe even "needs translation" tasks as well!

It helps me in other projects, anyway, but that could just be how I work :)


Jessica Ledbetter
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